My SDD of my rMBP 15" Mid 2014 died, I don't have the money to buy a new one, but I do have an older internal HDD and an Extenal HDD Enclosure...
Any video in YouTube that show me How to???
You could I also try connecting your old internal HDD drive by USB and see if you can boot from that drive ?
If it was from that same computer it should boot just fine
but I do have an older internal HDD and an Extenal HDD Enclosure
I misunderstood - thought your comment was that you had a HDD (Back UP?) in the enclosure and might be able to reboot from that.
did you try internet recovery mode? - How to enter Internet Recovery Mode
lol - looks like you are further along on that thread and have some good advice there!
Good luck - hope you don't loose your data / info