I like the new dock. It is similar to the task switcher bar with the linen background from several years ago.
What I don't like about iOS 11 is that there is no way to access the brightness slider while keeping the active app full screen. It's easier to adjust brightness to the proper level if you are looking at the content you are adjusting the brightness for. I would really like a brightness slider above Recent Apps section of the dock. I change brightness quite often, and it would be nice to be able to quickly change brightness while only moving my thumb about an inch on the corner of the screen.
What I don't like about iOS 11 is that there is no way to access the brightness slider while keeping the active app full screen. It's easier to adjust brightness to the proper level if you are looking at the content you are adjusting the brightness for. I would really like a brightness slider above Recent Apps section of the dock. I change brightness quite often, and it would be nice to be able to quickly change brightness while only moving my thumb about an inch on the corner of the screen.