hello everyone. I would like to know how i find in my macbook pro 13' middle 2009 4 ram memory, What was the original version when i bought it, i am on maverick now and i still have the originals installations dvd and applicactions never used, but i have double because this is my second macbook same year the first got stolen, but i had the box at home., so i got a new one, the one i have now. Anyways in one of them the dvd version number is 10.5.7 i think leopard? and the other one is 10.6 snow leopard for sure because i rembember the style was like more blue water drops or something, and under the last years i dont know i just appdated it for security reasons and so on. I just want to have the leopard style again, personaly SL was one of the best versions apple made, fast performance and fresh as well. So i want to get start somewhere and i havent done anything yet before i doble check here with some serious respond im not so good in tech things, it scares me to look for ex: disc utility and the erase tab i really dont want to there and do wrong, i try to learn how watching videos at youtube but is too much kind of differents ways on how from the original questions like options when mac starts up press C or R or D,. Others say you have to downgrade from maverick until you comeback to the original. and i actually think that somewhere in the background i still have the version macbook had when i bought it, i want to find where in the system i can take a look of it before i use the installation dvd in the drive, and wich one i choose? 10.5.7 or 10.6 ?.... Does someone know if i can find it in disc utility? and how to do it?... and how to cancel if im not sure, can i re use the dvd installations again after?
The other and last question is if its better to just download snow leopard aqua theme or skin to mavericks?, like tweeting customise like DevianArt? What is your reomendation.
Thank super much for your answer guys, i will be humble thankfull of that. Peace.
The other and last question is if its better to just download snow leopard aqua theme or skin to mavericks?, like tweeting customise like DevianArt? What is your reomendation.
Thank super much for your answer guys, i will be humble thankfull of that. Peace.