2 entirely different things...
The little free App does a good job for what you want.
It has a setting to turn on dark mode at sunset which I just checked and it works fine in Mojave.
3 days I've been with the dark mode, I can never go back.
yes, we need to bring more people to the dark side I MEAN dark mode...
i don't really get it. dark mode is dark windows, backgrounds... i use it all the time; it's as vaild during the day as during the night. why should your mail window go dark at night? what's the relevance?
I understand but to me it's logical so there should be that option. tvOS backgrounds darken after sunset automatically (you have that option). Same logic.
why is dark mode only available on apple apps, all my third party apps are still in light mode.
those developers would have to adapt their apps to dark mode, apple only has control over the OS, and it's own apps.
Isn't f.lux just an alternative to Night Shift rather than an application that changes your interface to Dark Mode automatically at night?
Another nice app for Night Shift it is called Shifty you can set it to automatically change to dark mode at night
I use the baked in Nightshift mode on the Mac, it turns on at 23:00 and turns off at 7:00am which is when I end my shift.
This just turns the screen to have a yellowish tint, the thread OP is asking for the actual dark mode to turn on at a certain time.I use the baked in Nightshift mode on the Mac, it turns on at 23:00 and turns off at 7:00am which is when I end my shift.