Hi !
For an unknot reason, each time I restart my MBP, the volume icons in the task bar disappear. I need to go in the setting to activate the option again and again.
I try to fin a workaround using Automator. I want to create a shell command that I will add in the the login items. I've tried this command but it doesn't work :
sudo open '/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/Volume.menu'
do you have any idea ?
Thanks !
For an unknot reason, each time I restart my MBP, the volume icons in the task bar disappear. I need to go in the setting to activate the option again and again.
I try to fin a workaround using Automator. I want to create a shell command that I will add in the the login items. I've tried this command but it doesn't work :
sudo open '/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/Volume.menu'
do you have any idea ?
Thanks !