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Original poster
Oct 9, 2021
So I got a few cheapo AirTag holders off Amazon. All the pictures I’ve seen always show the metal/Apple logo side of an AirTag facing out (I.e., visible or exposes) in a holder.

Is there any reason this needs to be the case? I.e., could I have it so that the white plastic side faces outward?
How else are you going to let people know you are an elite Apple owner? It’s just cosmetic. There’s no reason for it to even be visible.
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This discussion came up when they first came out, and I did a comparison between white-side-out and silver-side-out. White-side-out makes the sound it plays ~10db louder, measured from a foot away with an Apple Watch. So if you care more about how it looks than functions, whichever way looks better to you. If you care about functionality, it's gotta be the white side facing out.
So I got a few cheapo AirTag holders off Amazon. All the pictures I’ve seen always show the metal/Apple logo side of an AirTag facing out (I.e., visible or exposes) in a holder.

Is there any reason this needs to be the case? I.e., could I have it so that the white plastic side faces outward?

I think that's primarily for marketing. Every promo image will show the logo, so you know the branding. If it's just the white side displayed in photos, it just looks like a generic white tab.
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