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macrumors G3
Original poster
Jul 23, 2007
I suppose the sound quality is affected when the screen is covering the speakers?
To answer your question - yes, if you’re using the built-in speakers it’s gonna sound like crap when you do that.
No, the sound is quite good on M2 MBAs with the lid closed. To me it sounds pretty much the same as lid open.
Which is more than I can say for the MBP or the M1 MBA, where there is a clear difference of sound quality between lid open and lid closed.

I think having sound come out of the hinge vs front facing grills is helpful in this scenario.
No, the sound is quite good on M2 MBAs with the lid closed. To me it sounds pretty much the same as lid open.
Which is more than I can say for the MBP or the M1 MBA, where there is a clear difference of sound quality between lid open and lid closed.

I think having sound come out of the hinge vs front facing grills is helpful in this scenario.
Thank you for answer!

So Apple fix crapy sound on M1 MBP with newer models... nice to know! :)

Does anybody have suggestion how to improve sound quality on M1 MBP when screen/lid is closed?
Suggestion? Yes, buy some dedicated speakers or even a soundbar. When using laptop like a desktop, equip it like a desktop. That would include good speakers vs. leaning on what is built in.

Even high-rated computer speakers are towards dirt cheap, as are cheaper soundbars... some of which will come with a little subwoofer too. Either should easily beat the quality of sound coming out of any laptop. Spend a few bucks and have relatively fantastic sound.
Thank you but no thank you ;)

I already have multi xxxx$ sound setup but that does not change my question:

-- is there any way to improve sound on M1 MBP when screen/lid is closed?

I dd try to use app for software eq and sound is can be better but if someone have another idea/suggestion please share it.
You are simply asking a LOT of tiny little computer speakers. If you don't want to equip your MBair with some desktop-like speaker options, my next suggestion would be buds or headphones... both focused on delivering great sound.

You seem to be hunting for some kind of software solution but the hardware itself is the problem in your scenario. Laptop speakers in general are made to be "good enough." If you want great sound, you have to address the hardware limits... with better audio hardware.

Maybe run a cable from where you use your laptop to the multi $XXXX sound setup and put that to this added use?

Or hook an airplay device (like AppleTV) into that setup and you can wirelessly "throw" your MBair audio to the good sound system from all around your space.

But I don't think any software is going to make much of a difference- maybe a little... but likely in an "ear of the beholder" way at best.
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ok, you wrote:

- "You are simply asking a LOT of tiny little computer speakers."

and many people claim that in SAME SIZE laptop sound is MUCH better on M2 MacBooks Pro when display is closed!

Apple did great job (hope that you are pleased now when I claim this) with sound quality in MBP but they screw something with M1 sound when display is closed which they fixed with M2 MBP.

- "Maybe run a cable from where you use your laptop to the multi $XXXX sound setup and put that to this added use?"

I already have Apple TV setup so I can stream music to HiFi.

And yes, software CAN improve sound quality of M1 MBP, especial quality of speach.

I simple ask if people improve sound quality with software. I use eqMac with custom set EQ... and sound quality is DRASTIC different with custom EQ. Many YT videos can hardly be understood without custom EQ.

So please stop responding with obvious "solutions".
I can confirm the MBA M2 13,6" Sound does not degrade dramatically when Lid is closed, but would use a BT Speaker like the JBL Flip6, which is fantastic also for Meetings Music and anything else, anyway.

To get an impression about the MBA M3 Sound when Lid is closed, i would go to the Apple Store and try to prove it, because you never know.
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