I was quite surprised, then dismayed, to find out the HomePod I got in 2018 (no AppleCare) has stopped responding and doesn't even show any lights when powered on.
Changed the consumer fuse (twice just to be sure) and there's absolutely no signs of life on powering it up.
Any similar experiences or recommendations?
If alls lost I suppose I'll hold out and find out what the announcements are on HomePod soon if any.. I had hoped to get a second one at some point and pair it but never got round to that and it's a bit of a reset to go from 1 to 0 and then want 2
Changed the consumer fuse (twice just to be sure) and there's absolutely no signs of life on powering it up.
Any similar experiences or recommendations?
If alls lost I suppose I'll hold out and find out what the announcements are on HomePod soon if any.. I had hoped to get a second one at some point and pair it but never got round to that and it's a bit of a reset to go from 1 to 0 and then want 2