YES YES YES! I've mentioned this before on the forums, but I was at Costco with my girlfriend (we both have iPad pro's) and when we saw the display table with iPads all over it, we picked up the iPad Air thinking it was the mini and we asked each other where our old iPad was. This one HAD to be the mini. Then we realized we were holding the iPad Air 2 and couldn't believe it. After laughing for a minute, we just had a conversation about perspective and how it's crazy how much it changes once we got used to the pro.
When I had the air 2, I thought it was pretty damn big. I was happy with it, but I felt it was a pretty size able thing. When I saw the Pro for the first time, I was taken aback by how large it was. Then after about 15 minutes I immediately got used to it. That's when I went home and saw my iPad Air with different eyes. It was so uncomfortably small that that's when I decided I would save up for an iPad pro. I couldn't believe I did 90% of my stuff on an iPad Air. The screen was just so small!
Reminded me of the feeling of going from a non retina screen to retina. Sure the Retina screen seemed nice but it wasn't a big deal really. Until I went back to my old MacBook and I felt like I had Vaseline over my eyes or something. I literally felt like I couldn't see a damn thing and eye strain became a real problem. Perspective man....