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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 28, 2013
portland, oregon

this situation holds true for the apple podcasts app, v. 2.0 (418), on all my iOS devices, all updated to iOS 7.0.3, both a 3rd generation iPad 64 GB wi-fi only, and my iPhone 5 32 GB with AT&T as the carrier.

i have created several categories in the new feature, “my stations” section of the podcasts app. however, i have searched and searched all the settings and features and cannot figure out, once “my stations” categories are set up, how to add a new podcast i have just added to the app to an existing category. does anyone know how to add a new podcast you've just added to the app to an already existing “my stations” category?

i've searched and searched the settings and features in the apple podcasts app and also searched the apple support section here on on-line and in this discussion group and come up with nothing in any case. i am kind of surprised no one else has asked about this.

if anyone could please help and let me know how to add a new podcast you just added to the apple podcasts app, v. 2.0 (418), into an already existing “my stations” category, i would greatly appreciate it. it really is not apparent on the app's UI.

thank you in advance.


— faddah wolf
portland, oregon
iPhone 5, iOS 7.0.3, 32 GB, AT&T carrier

this situation holds true for the apple podcasts app, v. 2.0 (418), on all my iOS devices, all updated to iOS 7.0.3, both a 3rd generation iPad 64 GB wi-fi only, and my iPhone 5 32 GB with AT&T as the carrier.

i have created several categories in the new feature, “my stations” section of the podcasts app. however, i have searched and searched all the settings and features and cannot figure out, once “my stations” categories are set up, how to add a new podcast i have just added to the app to an existing category. does anyone know how to add a new podcast you've just added to the app to an already existing “my stations” category?

i've searched and searched the settings and features in the apple podcasts app and also searched the apple support section here on on-line and in this discussion group and come up with nothing in any case. i am kind of surprised no one else has asked about this.

if anyone could please help and let me know how to add a new podcast you just added to the apple podcasts app, v. 2.0 (418), into an already existing “my stations” category, i would greatly appreciate it. it really is not apparent on the app's UI.

thank you in advance.


— faddah wolf
portland, oregon
iPhone 5, iOS 7.0.3, 32 GB, AT&T carrier

In the podcasts app, go to the My Stations tab at the bottom. Click on the station, then click "Settings." At the bottom, you should see "Choose Podcasts..." Click that, and choose the podcasts you want to add.
In the podcasts app, go to the My Stations tab at the bottom. Click on the station, then click "Settings." At the bottom, you should see "Choose Podcasts..." Click that, and choose the podcasts you want to add.

yup! that did it. thank you! still think that feature should not be so “buried” and more intuitive to add additional podcasts to “my stations.” you would not believe how much i've posted that in the apple support community discussions for the apple podcasts app and see nada back from anyone in the way of a reply or help. thanks for coming through with the save, Tyler23!
I am bumping a 11+ year old thread LOL, but this is one aspect of Apple Podcasts that really bothers me. I'm not a power user, and Apple Podcasts is otherwise completely satisfactory to me.

There needs to be a way to add an individual show to a station from the show's page (either the drop down menu or on the station's settings page.) To have to go to the station and bring up a list of all your shows and then have to scroll and locate an individual show is a really laborious and horrible way of doing this.

If you just followed a show then it's no big deal as it will be at the top of the list, but it's a real chore for shows you've been following for awhile. If there was a search box to find a specific show that would be better, but even better would be to do it straight from the show's main page.

I just sent feedback to Apple on this, just curious I guess if this bothers other people too.
just curious I guess if this bothers other people too.
Apple Podcasts bothered me a long time ago and a tried many (e.g. Pocket Casts, Overcast, Downcast and iCatcher) after that and have stick with third party app iCatcher and loving it for years also because of the customization and Apple Automation (Shortcuts) support (no sponsorship). It's not the best UI but feature wise no alternative like it.
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