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I hope the performance is improved too. iCal is a bit pokey - nice, clean app though.
Did I read ThinkSecret right? We are going to be able to customize the calendar color from those six choices! I will be in color-coding heaven! I hope that part is true....[im a dork, I know, lol] :eek:
What do you guys use iCal for? Maybe I'm just not one to use a planner but I can't find much of a good use for iCal. I'm not knocking the program... it's good for what it is... just wondering what you guys use it for. It sure would be nice if it'd auto-update the icon on the dock every day instead of making you launch the program to update the icon...
Originally posted by SilentPanda
What do you guys use iCal for? Maybe I'm just not one to use a planner but I can't find much of a good use for iCal. I'm not knocking the program... it's good for what it is... just wondering what you guys use it for. It sure would be nice if it'd auto-update the icon on the dock every day instead of making you launch the program to update the icon...

- due dates for bill payments
- sometimes I have to go to work earlier than normal, so I have to remember
- parties to attend
- people coming to visit
- chores to do around the house and other "to-dos"
- you can subscribe to online calendars like user group meetings, DVD releases, sports teams schedules, etc.
- people's birthdays (there's a util that will automatically fetch them from your address book)
- event planning

I'm sure I can come up with others, too.
Originally posted by SilentPanda
What do you guys use iCal for? Maybe I'm just not one to use a planner but I can't find much of a good use for iCal. I'm not knocking the program... it's good for what it is... just wondering what you guys use it for. It sure would be nice if it'd auto-update the icon on the dock every day instead of making you launch the program to update the icon...

Normal scheduling stuff. Problem is, I can't get iCal to iSync between my home and work macs. Pretty iFrustrating, so I hope they get off their iAsses and fix some of these problems in this update.

iHave spoken.
Originally posted by danlan
has anyone found a hack to sync iCal with the calender of a mobile phone?

That's what the iSync update is all about. The iSync-enabled phones will sync with your Mac's iCal and Address Book.

Also, if you have a Palm-powered Smartphone those will of course also sync with iSync. I have a Kyocera smartphone, for example, so I have all my phone numbers doubly backed up (to both iCal/AddressBook and .Mac).
Confused about iCal

I'm confused. The Thinksecret article makes reference to the coming iCal version as 1.5 v644. But the current version in Panther build 7B68 is 1.5.1 v611. How can this be?

(Previous progression was: 1.02 (v452) in build 7A202, 1.5 (v548) in build 7B21, 1.5 (v549) in build 7B28, 1.5 (v579) in build 7B44, 1.5 (v585) in build 7B49, 1.5 (v599) in build 7B53, and 1.5 (v604) in build 7B59)
Originally posted by danlan
has anyone found a hack to sync iCal with the calender of a mobile phone?

Originally posted by lmalave
That's what the iSync update is all about. The iSync-enabled phones will sync with your Mac's iCal and Address Book.

That's right...and it should add alot more usability to iCal, hopefully converting the somewhat tarnished image that this great little app has acquired (not without reasons though ;))

I hope they have finally worked out that font issue that affects the appearance of the dock icon. Not major but just enough to annoy most of my posts ;).
Please soon!

I had gotten my hopes up from the report that it would be updated "within the next few weeks" about a month ago, and I've been on the edge of my seat since July when I bought my Nokia 3650 because I was foolishly under the impression that the phrase "Coming Soon" implied something less than a quarter of a year! Oh I hope it comes out soon!

Also, has anyone tried out the versions included in the latest Panther builds with a Nokia 3650? Does the calendar syncing work? What about multi-day events?

I'm desperate to ditch the Palm and only sync 1 device!
How about an iCal that doesn't require you to launch it so that it still knows to pop-up meeting messages AND e-mail me without even having to be logged in - cos the e-mail go thru to my mobile. (How about a delayed e-mail or something?)
iCal is the type of app that would be really good if you only use that. If you need other stuff that iCal doesn't offer, it doesn't cut it. It is great for me. And the Integration with iSync is just great. :D
Originally posted by bograt
How about an iCal that doesn't require you to launch it so that it still knows to pop-up meeting messages AND e-mail me without even having to be logged in - cos the e-mail go thru to my mobile. (How about a delayed e-mail or something?)

It already does that. You just need to launch it once at login and then quit it.

Alternatively, control-click on the iCal application, open "Contents", open "Resources", and then drag "iCal Helper" to your login items in System Preferences (under the Login Items preference pane). Now you'll have an iCal that will automatically remind you about events (and e-mail you) without having had to even launch it once. :)

You do have to be logged in, though. It would be stupid not to require it, because then you'd have appointment reminders from EVERYONE'S user popping up at the login panel. :p Of course, e-mailing wouldn't be a problem, but I dunno how hard that would be to implement.

Originally posted by hayesk
- people's birthdays (there's a util that will automatically fetch them from your address book)

Mind telling us what software this is? I'd really appreciate that. :)
iCal sharing

I look forward to the day that I will be able to edit my iCal data from any computer on the 'net, not just the one where I run iCal. Something like Yahoo's calendar.

As a .Mac user I can edit my address book from any web browser. Hopefully Apple will enable this for calendars as well.
Re: iCal sharing

Originally posted by lgreco
I look forward to the day that I will be able to edit my iCal data from any computer on the 'net, not just the one where I run iCal. Something like Yahoo's calendar.

As a .Mac user I can edit my address book from any web browser. Hopefully Apple will enable this for calendars as well.

Good idea. I'd like that feature too. Just really started using iCal on a regular basis now that I'm running osx at work and home, but would love an update.
Category support

Any idea on when Palm categories will be supported? One of the things that bug me right now is the fact that category information is not synced..

Re: Re: iCal sharing

Originally posted by Jerry Spoon
Good idea. I'd like that feature too. Just really started using iCal on a regular basis now that I'm running osx at work and home, but would love an update.

I hope someone at Apple pays attention to this. I wrote recently a brief article on my "switch" experience. MS Outlook users switching to OS X hit the ground face first when they realize that calendar amenities are not very evolved.

(Here's a link to the article for those interested in reading it.)

Another great feature that I'd love to see in a future iSync update (or Palm Hotsync, for that matter), is network sync option for WiFi PDAs. It's pretty annoying to connect the cradle to a laptop... :)

Leo I.
ical not all it could be...

i did a post a while back when these updates were first announced and my opinion has not changed.
iCal is not very useful in it's current iteration. if you want an e-mail alert for something, it should do it. it should allow for better editing of events. the to do list "feature" is woefully inadequate. et cetera.
speaking from the standpoint of someone with minimal resources (12" powerbook), i can't have every app running when i need it to passively do something (send me an e-mail alert of an event). when i am running suitcase, indesign, illustrator, photoshop, mail, safari and itunes, with an external 17" lcd with a usb hub and a firewire drive connected, the thing is already near meltdown for heat. i don't think ical is worth the very slight RAM and heat penalty it takes to run it and that is sad for a calendar app that could be quite's to hoping that the next versions are good (useful).
Damn, such animosity toward iCal! I use it every day, almost exclusively at work, and it does what I need it to do. Sure, more options would be nice, but not everything can happen at once. It should be stated loud and proud that for many folks, iCal is GREAT! There are plenty of other solutions available for folks with more extensive needs.

I'm sure if Apple included all of the features people whine for, other people would start bitching about the fact that Apple is driving out third parties by including all sorts of software with their machines. The poor company just can't win!
Originally posted by Nicky G
Damn, such animosity toward iCal! I use it every day, almost exclusively at work, and it does what I need it to do. Sure, more options would be nice, but not everything can happen at once.


I'm sure if Apple included all of the features people whine for, other people would start bitching about the fact that Apple is driving out third parties by including all sorts of software with their machines. The poor company just can't win!

It's not that calendar applications were just invented yesterday and Apple is going through the curve. Calendar software, both for the individual and the group, exists for years now. Yahoo offers a free calendar that allows you enter data from anywhere on the 'net. Sun, M$, and others have calendar servers out there too. It's a matter of best practice to Apple to roll out a good, solid product. If Apple invites MS users to switch to OSX then Apple should support these users.

I wish there was a third party product that will do what I want with calendars, on OSX. If I missed something, if a suitable product exists, please point me to it. All I really want is the ability to enter data to my calendar from any computer with a web browser, and not just only from the computer where iCal is installed.

Leo I.
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