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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
Several readers that Apple has sent out a ".Mac Connection" email stating:

On Jan. 31, iPhoto 2 and iMovie 3 will join iTunes 3 as free downloads available at iDVD 3 will also be released, and all four applications bundled under the name iLife can now be ordered on CD and DVD for $49.00. iLife is also included on new Mac computers.

Readers also report that iLife is now shipping.

Finally, .Mac Address Book syncing is functional.

New iMacs are expected on Feb 4th, and 10.2.4 is still expected this week.
Re: iLife for $20

Originally posted by Nermal
For those of you who don't know already, if you bought a Mac with a SuperDrive on or after 7/1/03, you can get iLife for $20 from iLife Up-To-Date.
Hey Nermal, at first i thought you ment July 1, 2003, then i noticed you live in New Zealand. I used to live there too, but now in the US, the date is reversed.

Back to the topic, i just wish i had a mac so i could use iLife, Keynote, etc...
Re: Re: iLife for $20

Originally posted by iElvis

Hey Nermal, at first i thought you ment July 1, 2003, then i noticed you live in New Zealand. I used to live there too, but now in the US, the date is reversed.

Back to the topic, i just wish i had a mac so i could use iLife, Keynote, etc...

Oh yeah, forgot about that! So its 7 Jan to anyone who's still confused :confused:
Most of the world write the date: day/month/year, it is just the US that writes it month/day/year for some reason. It took me a while to get used to the US way which appears on the Net the most.

Anyway is 10.2.4 meant to come out on the Friday as well. Someone early (on a previous topic) was saying that 10.2.4 might be released at the same time as iLife. I now have a 1Mbit Cable connection and want to use it to actually download something big. Since the only offer use for this kind of speed at the moment seems to download illegal Divx files (which I don't do).
Originally posted by hvfsl
Most of the world write the date: day/month/year, it is just the US that writes it month/day/year for some reason. It took me a while to get used to the US way which appears on the Net the most.
Maybe we should use the three letter abbreviations for months in the forums, that way there is no question of what is meant.

Anyway is 10.2.4 meant to come out on the Friday as well. Someone early (on a previous topic) was saying that 10.2.4 might be released at the same time as iLife. I now have a 1Mbit Cable connection and want to use it to actually download something big. Since the only offer use for this kind of speed at the moment seems to download illegal Divx files (which I don't do).
You could always download MP3s from legal places, like .

And of course there is always quicktime movie trailers from Apple's Quicktime site .
So anyone know what time this update will be out if it will be midnight Apple time or noon or random.
Originally posted by Kodex
So anyone know what time this update will be out if it will be midnight Apple time or noon or random.

good question. i hope midnight, because i'll still be up then, lol.

but certainly... it will be by the morning, if it's anything like the announcements for powermacs, powerbooks and so on.
.Mac email?

anyone else out there with a .Mac account that did not receive an email regarding iLife?

i'm a teacher and just scored on the sweet apple deal that includes iLife and Keynote. Yes!

(sorry to gloat :)
Re: .Mac email?

Originally posted by soccer
anyone else out there with a .Mac account that did not receive an email regarding iLife?

I have .Mac. and got no e-mail. Oh well. I'd rather apple give me iMovie & iPhoto instead of a lousy e-mail. Although it would be nice to get an e-mail too. :)
Date and Time (Hi! I'm new here!)

Hi, all! I'm a long time reader, first time poster and soon to be "Switcher".

I'm a United Statesian and I get sooo confused with time. I've
decided to start using ISO standards for date and time.




So, right now, it's 2003-01-30 20:51 (GMT-5).

(Descending order from longest unit to shortest unit)

I also have no idea why Sunday is the first day of the week here.

I don't have a Mac yet (either gettin' a 15" AlBook when (if?) they come out, or if not, a 1 GHz PowerMac and a 17" ASD), but I use one occasionally at work. It's a G4 400MHz, 256MB RAM w/ DVD-ROM and Zip-100. It's running OS X 10.2.3. I love it! It's soo cool.

This happened today--a faculty member wanted my boss (he's the Web Instructional Technology Coordinator at SVSU) to get some pictures off of her new camera. So, he got down on his knees and bent around the computer to plug the camera into the computer. Then, he popped in the Software installation disc. It said not to plug in the camera until after the software was installed. So, I, sitting at the Mac workstation (which isn't currently my primary workstation) said, "Well, let me see what I can do with iPhoto." So I plugged in the camera, and iPhoto automatically launched. I clicked the "Import" button and the pictures started importing. When it was done, I exported the images to a Zip disk. While they were exporting, my boss had just finished installing the FinePix software.

Wow... that was completely irrelevant.


iLife web page says....

The Apple Store offers convenient online ordering 24 hours a day, every day.
and not "available soon"
Re: iLife web page says....

Originally posted by rayzor
The Apple Store offers convenient online ordering 24 hours a day, every day.
and not "available soon"

True, true, true. I was actually clicking on the "pre-order" button before it changed, and the order site said "place order". Slowly but surely the site has been changing. Now I just want the "download now" link to be up. :)
Re: .Mac email?

Originally posted by soccer
anyone else out there with a .Mac account that did not receive an email regarding iLife?

i'm a teacher and just scored on the sweet apple deal that includes iLife and Keynote. Yes!

(sorry to gloat :)

I just bought keynote for $100 at CompUSA the day before this offer came about...

I wonder if there's any way I can get iLife and $85 from Apple with the educators thing if I show them my proof of purchase and reciept?

It's like, a bummer...
Re: Date and Time (Hi! I'm new here!)

Originally posted by Archmage

This happened today--a faculty member wanted my boss (he's the Web Instructional Technology Coordinator at SVSU) to get some pictures off of her new camera. So, he got down on his knees and bent around the computer to plug the camera into the computer. Then, he popped in the Software installation disc. It said not to plug in the camera until after the software was installed. So, I, sitting at the Mac workstation (which isn't currently my primary workstation) said, "Well, let me see what I can do with iPhoto." So I plugged in the camera, and iPhoto automatically launched. I clicked the "Import" button and the pictures started importing. When it was done, I exported the images to a Zip disk. While they were exporting, my boss had just finished installing the FinePix software.

Wow... that was completely irrelevant.

Yes it was, but also completely true. I've heard so many iPhoto stories like that its amazing.
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