I just got a 27 inch retina 5k 2020 iMac (to run 64bit applications). This sits next to a 'late' 2012 27 iMac. The sound quality for the 2020 is very poor especially when compared to the 2012 to the extent that running zoom/skype etc is now very difficult to understand. The sound is not distorted, just very muffled. I have raised this with apple & they have checked the machine as best they can remotely.
Is this a common issue or do I have a faulty unit?
The new machine is also much slower to hot boot and has some issue with wrongly ejected devices that the old machine does not have.
Is this the way it goes these days?
Is this a common issue or do I have a faulty unit?
The new machine is also much slower to hot boot and has some issue with wrongly ejected devices that the old machine does not have.
Is this the way it goes these days?