For the first time in two years, the Instagram app for iOS has been updated with all new filters. Added today, Slumber, Crema, Ludwig, Perpetua, and Aden are subtle filters that are designed to slightly enhance photos without overwhelming effects.
According to Instagram, early filters were designed to compensate for lower image quality, while the filters released today take into account higher image quality while providing tools to capture the mood of a moment.

In addition to the five new filters, Instagram for iOS has also gained the ability to upload slo-mo video, real-time commenting, a customizable filter tray, a new look for previewing filters, and photo perspective adjustment options.Inspired by the photography, art, fashion and design of the global Instagram community, we're releasing five new filters that we believe are our best yet. You'll see the filters at the front of your filter tray: Slumber, Crema, Ludwig, Aden and Perpetua. They soften and subtly shift colors to achieve the look and feel you want for your each photo.
Instagram can be downloaded from the App Store for free. [Direct Link]
Article Link: Instagram for iOS Gains Five New Filters, Slo-Mo Video Uploads