Hey all,
Recently started investigating why this didn’t work, after resurrecting my trusty MacBookPro8,2. More as a project rather than something I desperately need working.
The OS prompts you to get a new version, which looks to me like a simple check of version or supported OS version in the app.
Poking around in /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Info.plist, there are values for the app version, bundle version, and two minimum OS values. I changed the first two to be something higher, and the min OS fields to 10.13.6.
After a logout/login, Logic Pro launches, but we have a crash. This is because High Sierra lacks /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProKit.framework.
I tested installing all ProKit.frameworks from Lion up to Sierra one after the other; they all launch Logic, but there’s a black screen with an error.
The error seems to be a version check on ProKit.framework; when checked on the ProKit from Sierra, this said it required v5, we had v0.
ProKit5 is bundled in the mpkg installer for Logic Studio 3, so I tried to use this. This works, but Logic then crashes due to a dependency error in AppKit.framework, which is native to High Sierra.
I’m reluctant to try replace an existing framework, especially one so old, so looks like I might be stuck. Anyone have any ideas?
Recently started investigating why this didn’t work, after resurrecting my trusty MacBookPro8,2. More as a project rather than something I desperately need working.
The OS prompts you to get a new version, which looks to me like a simple check of version or supported OS version in the app.
Poking around in /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Info.plist, there are values for the app version, bundle version, and two minimum OS values. I changed the first two to be something higher, and the min OS fields to 10.13.6.
After a logout/login, Logic Pro launches, but we have a crash. This is because High Sierra lacks /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProKit.framework.
I tested installing all ProKit.frameworks from Lion up to Sierra one after the other; they all launch Logic, but there’s a black screen with an error.
The error seems to be a version check on ProKit.framework; when checked on the ProKit from Sierra, this said it required v5, we had v0.
ProKit5 is bundled in the mpkg installer for Logic Studio 3, so I tried to use this. This works, but Logic then crashes due to a dependency error in AppKit.framework, which is native to High Sierra.
I’m reluctant to try replace an existing framework, especially one so old, so looks like I might be stuck. Anyone have any ideas?