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macrumors 6502a
Oct 20, 2002
Malmö, Sweden
Re: Panther Approaching FC?

Originally posted by Macrumors
As could be guessed by recent reports, there are rumblings that Panther is quickly approaching Final Candidate status. The most recent builds have not been seeded to the Apple Developer site, but reports of build numbers up to Build 85 have been reported. RailheadDesign was able to confirm up to build 83, yesterday.
The question is: what are the latest builds doing? Just correcting bugs or working on features? That way we'll know more precisely.


macrumors newbie
Sep 27, 2003
I can't wait for Panther either :) I am really hoping my school upgrades to this, they are still running 9.x and only a few machines are 10.2

Ambrose Chapel

macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2002
good news, if not entirely unexpected. i hope there aren't any egregious bugs that make it to the GM. jag had that CD-R/windoze issue..grr. maybe i'll just wait until 10.3.1 come to upgrade ;)


macrumors regular
Apr 21, 2003
Planet Earth
A bit off topic, but....

What happened to 10.2.8?

I haven't had a single problem on my G3 PB, but has there been any kind of follow-up or public comment from Apple since it was taken off the Web site?


macrumors 68000
Aug 11, 2003
Re: A bit off topic, but....

Originally posted by brhmac
What happened to 10.2.8?

I haven't had a single problem on my G3 PB, but has there been any kind of follow-up or public comment from Apple since it was taken off the Web site?

I'm beginning to wonder that myself. They did publicly announce a problem last Wednesday or so dealing with gigabit ethernet adapters and 10.2.8, but it's curious that after another week now, we've seen no further announcements. I would have thought a fixed 10.2.8 would have been available before now already, I'm not sure what is up with that.


macrumors 68000
Jan 29, 2003
Re: A bit off topic, but....

Originally posted by brhmac
What happened to 10.2.8?

I haven't seen anything either. If it was only the network issues, I am surprised it is taking so long to fix and re-release. That leads me to think perhaps there were a few more fixes needed.

What I read was that it had problems with 10T ethernet. We are running 100 & 1000 (except one old 6100 that is still 10T) with 10.2.8 (5 machines) without problems.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 3, 2003
Orlando, FL
Re: Re: Panther Approaching FC?

Originally posted by NicoMan
The question is: what are the latest builds doing? Just correcting bugs or working on features? That way we'll know more precisely.

Just to clear the air finally on this, they would be correcting bugs only. You don't add features this late in the game - in fact you often take the buggier, less public ones away (anyone remember Single Window mode? Didn't think so).

There may be some graphic changes. There will almost certainly be some textual changes. But only because these things can be done without changing the code handling them. But there will be no surprise features, and no major visual overhaul.

I still remember back in the day that no one could accept that 4K78 was 10.0 GM. Half of us still thought that Apple had all that "debug code" to take out...


macrumors G5
Jun 6, 2003
Solon, OH
Yes! I'm excited by this.

I am very glad to hear that Panther is getting very close to being ready for release. The sooner it's released, the sooner I can get my G5 with Panther installed! I can also install Panther on the other computers currently running Mac OS X in my house (there are 2).

Obviously it won't install on the 3 older Macs or the 3 Windows boxes I also have. (BTW those aren't mine)


macrumors regular
May 28, 2003
Originally posted by Ambrose Chapel
maybe i'll just wait until 10.3.1 come to upgrade ;)
Waiting for 10.3.1 is the smart thing to do.

Installing the first day is the fun thing to do. :p

BTW, anyone have an idea for what Apple is working on for a MacOS 11.0? The 10.2 and 10.3 jumps were pretty big. What would be big enough to justify a MacOS 11?

Also, is a $130 upgrade every year going to be the standard for the foreseeable future?


macrumors 604
Originally posted by JoeRadar
Waiting for 10.3.1 is the smart thing to do.

Installing the first day is the fun thing to do. :p

BTW, anyone have an idea for what Apple is working on for a MacOS 11.0? The 10.2 and 10.3 jumps were pretty big. What would be big enough to justify a MacOS 11?

Also, is a $130 upgrade every year going to be the standard for the foreseeable future?

Find a student any student and have them buy it for you. It's only $69 that way.


macrumors regular
Aug 1, 2003

First off I did have problems with 10.2.8, a brand new firewire HD I bought wouldn't mount to save my life.

However it works flawlessly with 10.3 (7b80). here some other details

Install is so much faster, an install without the languages took me under 20 min. Notable the the beginning screens are different, you have all seen the new welcome video, well the different input panels also do a "cube" rotation transition, neat detail.

The system itself is booting, and running very fast, and I have yet to run into anything with a bug (cross my fingers) All the programs I have installed have run fine as well.

Still waiting to see if battery life is improved on my Alum 15.

Thats about all I can think of at this moment.


macrumors 6502
Sep 7, 2003

lets hope they do some serious testing of the final build

I have been very impressed at the speed of development

go apple

edit: Look I am now a "Macrumors Member"!!!!!!!!!!!!


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
Originally posted by JoeRadar

BTW, anyone have an idea for what Apple is working on for a MacOS 11.0? The 10.2 and 10.3 jumps were pretty big. What would be big enough to justify a MacOS 11?

A new user interface that didn't use icons and mice would be enough for Apple to re-number. It's more likely they'll just run out of room.

It's good to see that the GM is close. I would imagine they're doing extra testing now with all the fun they've had with 10.2.8.


macrumors regular
Jul 25, 2002

They are really moving this one along....I'm sure it's 3 work shifts of testing and 2 work shifts of programming....and a lot of overtime...wish I worked there...



macrumors regular
Aug 15, 2003

Release a broken 10.2.8 update that messes up our computer.. then not say anything about a fix.. in the meantime release Panther earlier then expected.
This way we HAVE to update :)

Well I just got my Powerbook today and I am HAPPY!!!!!!!


macrumors 65816
Mar 10, 2003
Denver, Colorado
Hooray! Hooray! I can't wait! I've only used an early build of Panther, and even in spite of the bugs it was wonderful. I'm REALLY excited because I have friends inside Apple (folks I used to work with) that will get it to me early - anywhere from a few days to an entire week!! It alld epends on Apple........


macrumors 6502
Apr 25, 2003
New York, NY
Re: Panther

Originally posted by nacl99
Notable the the beginning screens are different, you have all seen the new welcome video, well the different input panels also do a "cube" rotation transition, neat detail.

I haven't seen the new welcome video!! What's it like? In particular, what's the music like? I hear there's new music...


macrumors 604

Originally posted by agentmouthwash
Release a broken 10.2.8 update that messes up our computer.. then not say anything about a fix.. in the meantime release Panther earlier then expected.
This way we HAVE to update :)

Well I just got my Powerbook today and I am HAPPY!!!!!!!

Actually they did mention a fix. They posted several documents on how to reinstall 10.2.6 on the Apple support site.

Phil Of Mac

macrumors 68020
Dec 6, 2002
Washington State University
Originally posted by JoeRadar
BTW, anyone have an idea for what Apple is working on for a MacOS 11.0? The 10.2 and 10.3 jumps were pretty big. What would be big enough to justify a MacOS 11?

I don't know, but it's just a matter of time before we see it. After all, this one goes to 11.

Originally posted by JoeRadar
Also, is a $130 upgrade every year going to be the standard for the foreseeable future?

Probably. If we get a major upgrade 3 times as often as Windows, the Mac is going to be self-aware around the point where Windows gets the rough equivalent to iTunes.


macrumors member
Jun 3, 2003
Listen, something wierd happened

O'Grady's Powerpage had front headline 'Panther Released As Gold Master'

For one hit....

Then it didn't

Now it won't

Fidgety finger from the admin or slap on the wrist from Apple?


macrumors member
Sep 4, 2003
Tokyo, Japan
I just joined this site a few days ago because I'm really set on buying a new 15" Al Powerbook, so I must admit that I'm not the most experienced Mac user (other than the fact that I owned a PowerBook 180c 10 years ago)

As much as I can't wait for Panther to be released, as a Windows user (from Windows 95), I really hope that Apple takes enough time to make sure that all major bugs are fixed. Every Microsoft OS that's come out since DOS Shell has had significant problems that should have been fixed before it was released.

One of the strong points about Jaguar was its stability, and it's also the reason why I'm switching from my ThinkPad (which will go to my mother). So I want Panther now, but I can wait a little longer if it means stability.


macrumors 604
Originally posted by riwanami
I just joined this site a few days ago because I'm really set on buying a new 15" Al Powerbook, so I must admit that I'm not the most experienced Mac user (other than the fact that I owned a PowerBook 180c 10 years ago)

As much as I can't wait for Panther to be released, as a Windows user (from Windows 95), I really hope that Apple takes enough time to make sure that all major bugs are fixed. Every Microsoft OS that's come out since DOS Shell has had significant problems that should have been fixed before it was released.

One of the strong points about Jaguar was its stability, and it's also the reason why I'm switching from my ThinkPad (which will go to my mother). So I want Panther now, but I can wait a little longer if it means stability.

Don't worry there are always bugs. Jaguar was completely full of bugs when it first came out. The first two updates to Jaguar came within a month. Apple fixes the problems. Also unlike MS software each new OS release brings more speed and cool new features.
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