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Where were the bottles?

Did anyone see any bottles in the L.A. area? All I saw were the cups at 7-Eleven. I was 0-5 with those. :p Seems like it was more of a marketing flop on Pepsi's part. Weren't they also slow getting the bottles out to the areas that did get them?
Well Yeah...

I imagine the redemption rate was pretty poor considering how terrible Pepsi's distribution was. Throughout the entire promotion, I never saw even one bottle in any of my local grocery stores. In fact, it was pretty much hit-or-miss in local convenience stores as to whether or not I'd find iTMS caps.

I pretty much dring Diet Coke exclusively (as soda goes), but I was ready and willing to drink nothing but Diet Pepsi throughout the promotion. I only wish Pepsi could've delivered.
1macker1 said:
sheesh, only 5 million out of 100 million. That's not a good promotion.

Pepsi really shot themselves in the foot on this one, poor distribution really lost them alot of customers.
I'm a Coke man, but I drank pepsi like crazy. I had over 50 caps and won nothing. I thought I heard it was 1 in 3 wins. Maybe it was like 1 in 100 wins so stead of 100 million wins, it was really 10 million. 5 mil out of 10 mil ain't bad.
Cnet reports that Pepsi and Apple gave away 5 million of the potentially 100 million songs during the Pepsi/iTunes promotion.

The 5 million songs given away were included in the 70 million total songs announced today during the iTunes conference call.

Unredeemed codes can still be used by April 30th, 2004.
oh yea

Didn't I say only 5-20 million would redeem their songs, oh ya whos yo daddy!!!!
ALoLA said:
Did anyone see any bottles in the L.A. area? All I saw were the cups at 7-Eleven. I was 0-5 with those. :p Seems like it was more of a marketing flop on Pepsi's part. Weren't they also slow getting the bottles out to the areas that did get them?

I didn't see a single one where I live (just northwest of L.A.). :mad: I am not sure whether it was intentional or not, but Pepsi had some definate logistics problems with this promo on the west coast. On the positive side, I hate Pepsi and wasn't looking forward to drinking the swill. Long live Coca Cola!

EDIT: Not to defend Pepsi, but thinking about this further, the grocery strike in southern California may have somehow impacted distribution of the iTMS caps.
ALoLA said:
Did anyone see any bottles in the L.A. area? All I saw were the cups at 7-Eleven. I was 0-5 with those. :p Seems like it was more of a marketing flop on Pepsi's part. Weren't they also slow getting the bottles out to the areas that did get them?

I drink Pepsi anyway and I was ready to buy more than usual, however I only found a few places that had them. Oddly enough, one was a Target.

P.S. - out of like 10 caps, I won once.
Macrumors said:
Cnet reports that Pepsi and Apple gave away 5 million of the potentially 100 million songs during the Pepsi/iTunes promotion.

The 5 million songs given away were included in the 70 million total songs announced today during the iTunes conference call.

Unredeemed codes can still be used by April 30th, 2004.

Bad, Bad, Bad ... 5% only ... I was waiting no less than 20% ...

:( :mad: :eek:

EDIT: Aprox 3 months and? .... Nada? Communication problems with pepsi, steve?
5% = redeemed
3% = apple's marketshare

So it looks like some PC users redeemed their free tracks.

wish it was more, but that works!
a 5% redemption for the promotion, not exactly a boost in sales. Great idea to start out with but VERY POOR execution from Pepsi.
Wow 5% only. Kinda cheap promotion...
I wonder if this is because a lot of bottles were not sold in time or because people don't care enough to download yet another kind of software.
evolu said:
5% = redeemed
3% = apple's marketshare

So it looks like some PC users redeemed their free tracks.

wish it was more, but that works!

That's 5% of 100 million (not 5% of all computers). So, your theory is not correct. Alll 5 million could have come from the Mac community alone.

I think the problem was Pepsi not promoting this give away. 75% of the downloads were probably from the Mac zealots like us. I remember talking about it with friends and they had no idea Pepsi was giving away songs(nor did they care). More tv ads would have made more people play. Either way, pepsi got what they wanted out of this. A lot of air time.
Well figure that lots of people don't even use computers, like really use them. People at my school used to give me the caps because many of them ran 98 or were stuck on dial-up. Very few people are able to figure out anything on the computer. Now this is changing but I go to an inner-city school and most people just don't even care. I think broadband will get kids more interested in computers but most of them don't have it. It's not the cost, most of them just don't like change.
I think the problem might have been that the promotion was only available on bottles of Pepsi. If the promotion included Pepsi in cans, I would have tried it and I'll bet many other people would have also.
eSnow said:
Wow 5% only. Kinda cheap promotion...
I wonder if this is because a lot of bottles were not sold in time or because people don't care enough to download yet another kind of software.

You're probably right. I didn't see iTunes bottles in NYC until the end of February/beginning of May. I'm sure if the promo lasted until May 30th instead of April 30th, we'd see that number climb up at least by 1 or 2 million more.

And also, most non-techie people don't care enough to download iTunes in the first place.
Geesh. What an abysmal failure. Of course, since the SuperBowl, I think I saw a promotional commercial once. I think.

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