As I was lucky enough to snag multiple Verizon iPhones with November 3rd delivery dates (more out of luck than anything because I was scpetical that the 1st order through the Verizon app wasn’t just a screw-up, so I carried on ordering again). I paid full price for each. I am selling the additional devices through Craigslist. What should I do before handing the phone over. Should I activate it first, then reset the phone and remove the SIM card; or do I just hand over the box to him unopened. Reason I ask is that I had opened multiple lines just for pre-ordering (1 to order on Apple, 1 to order on Verizon app, and the 3rd for the Verizon authorized dealer to order for me), and will be cancelling those additional lines as soon as the phones have been sold.
What is the best practice for this? I would hate for the buyer to have to call me down the road asking me for my account pin or SSN. Additionally, if I don’t pre-activate, will Verizon prevent me from cancelling the lines as the system will show a pre-order in progress?
What is the best practice for this? I would hate for the buyer to have to call me down the road asking me for my account pin or SSN. Additionally, if I don’t pre-activate, will Verizon prevent me from cancelling the lines as the system will show a pre-order in progress?