When you reset did you set it up as a new phone or restore from iCloud?
So what I did is that I took screen shots of my ho me screen layout. Every page. Including inside folders. Then I made sure those pictures were in my iCloud Photo Library. Then I reset the phone.
Next step I set it up as new and signed into iCloud I only retires from iCloud. I did not select restore from backup. So anything that iCloud stores was synced including messages in the cloud, bookmarks, etc. no apps
Next I pulled out my iPad and looked at each picture I took of my home screen and downloaded each app in the same order. So for example I would download one folder at a time. I have all my utilities in one folder so I’d download all those apps. Using multi select on the home screen drag and drop them all into the same folder and then move on to the next folder of apps.
Doing it that way I was able to download all 200ish apps divided into 15 folders and put them into the same order three were in previously in under two hours. Wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be