Using Apple Canada's website, I wanted to do an estimate on the cost of repairing a studio display with and without Apple Care+ to determine if I should purchase it or not.
However, I noticed the website only provides an estimate for the cost of repair WITH Apple Care+ and the out of warranty cost is deliberately omitted. Does anyone know the pricing for out of warranty repairs for a) Screen cracked b) Enclosure damage c) Other?
If the Studio display gets bricked due to a software update issue, will this be covered under "other" or would Apple just take care of it with or without Apple Care?
However, I noticed the website only provides an estimate for the cost of repair WITH Apple Care+ and the out of warranty cost is deliberately omitted. Does anyone know the pricing for out of warranty repairs for a) Screen cracked b) Enclosure damage c) Other?
If the Studio display gets bricked due to a software update issue, will this be covered under "other" or would Apple just take care of it with or without Apple Care?