It was about 29F last night and my husband and I were out and about on a “date night” and his iPhone X worked perfectly fine. So whatever this glitch is, it apparently doesn’t affect all iPhone X’s.
Personally, I’d return one that has this affliction rather than take a chance on a software fix. Samsung issued a software fix for something I still believe to be a hardware issue and I can’t say I’m entirely content with the results that I’ve had to live with. It involves a compromise in my usage that I find unpalatable, namely that I can use the display only in Adaptive mode which is highly saturated.
So I decided going forward from that experience, if a certain kind of issue affects some devices but not all or even a majority, I am not trusting the excuse of it being a software issue anymore. Even if it turns out to be true, I just can’t bring myself to bet real hard earned money on it. I’d return and either wait out the issues or play the lottery, so to speak.
My husband and I both returned Pixel phones. There are some issues they claim can be solved by software fixes but we weren’t confident everything that has been cropping up on these phones could. Or that the fixes wouldn’t involve irritating compromises, like one that results in the stereo speakers playing at unequal volumes. My particular Pixel 2 had some issues recording video. The number of Pixel 2s sold is likely not very large, but there have been a disquietingly high number of issues reported and our own individual experience with these phones lead me to believe there was a bit of lack of attention to detail for this product release.
After getting ample opportunity to use my husband’s iPhone X, I’m very impressed by how nice it is. I’m now interested in getting one for myself eventually, perhaps after the holidays and holiday bills are paid. It does not seem at all like a poorly designed or poorly built device, nor is there evidence of lack of attention to any particular area even in the issues being reported. It is to be expected in a production run as huge as any iPhone model has, there will be defects.