pictures and music, um, what's the big deal? i want something like that hp thing that can also play moves, not even divx movies, but like mpeg4, dvd, everything, say i went and bought a dvd player on my pc/mac, and don't see why i should spend the money to get a standalone, well, a box that i could just connect to that would play divx, mpeg4, xvid, mp3, ogg, images, dvds and everything would be awesome, but not for like $450 like that kiss dvd that will not play cds, only dvd-r, and you can't connect to it by ethernet, the tivo thing is neat,b ut just for photo and music is worthless. i can wirelessly connect to my stereo for free, and i can just go straight out of my pc or powerbook for images, though i don't see why i would. i can do this for movies, however i have to have the laptop in the same room or run a wicked long wire, i'd like to just have my machine online and just be at the tv and have a list of media files on my mac, and just be able to play them.