I've must of gone through 5 USB drives over te last few months : all 4TB, and all different manufactures.. WD, Seagate, andd Hitachi, and i can't understand surly all of them just can't be the same conclusion.
This is basally the issue :
Is this true, and i could understand from same manufacture (a dud, or something) but every manufacture i've used ??
What are other people's experience....
Yes, as pointed out in the above link, i too have millions of small files... but i don't se any other way if you wish to store them.
Whats the solution ? or is this the "make drives cheap, but realiable enough" notion ? I've never encourced a read/write error, just slow performance, compared this to when empity, it was quicker.. allot quicker..
This is basally the issue :
Why do my external USB hard drives become slower when I have filled them up only to a third?
The read/write speeds of my external USB3 hard drives (*) are significantly higher when the disks are empty (no normal files; less then 10MB used) compared to when they are moderately full (2.5 mil...
Is this true, and i could understand from same manufacture (a dud, or something) but every manufacture i've used ??
What are other people's experience....
Yes, as pointed out in the above link, i too have millions of small files... but i don't se any other way if you wish to store them.
Whats the solution ? or is this the "make drives cheap, but realiable enough" notion ? I've never encourced a read/write error, just slow performance, compared this to when empity, it was quicker.. allot quicker..