I have read about SSD drives not being good for long term storage or backups because they lose data if they are not powered on for long periods of time.
So this brings me back to using HDD drives, at least as backups to SSD drives.
I see many types of HDD drives, 3.5 inch and 2.5 inch. For offsite backups or general backups, I prefer the smaller form factor of the 2.5 inch ones, they are smaller, easier to carry, and store, take up less space.
There are the ones that come in an enclosure, by many brands. I am a little weary of these types, since I have had one like this fail on me.
Then there are some bare ones, although I have not seem as many of those.
Am I better to get bare hard drives and use my own enclosures, or swap them, or get one in an enclosure already?
So this brings me back to using HDD drives, at least as backups to SSD drives.
I see many types of HDD drives, 3.5 inch and 2.5 inch. For offsite backups or general backups, I prefer the smaller form factor of the 2.5 inch ones, they are smaller, easier to carry, and store, take up less space.
There are the ones that come in an enclosure, by many brands. I am a little weary of these types, since I have had one like this fail on me.
Then there are some bare ones, although I have not seem as many of those.
Am I better to get bare hard drives and use my own enclosures, or swap them, or get one in an enclosure already?