My 2013 MBP was a pain the a** to use when it came to RAW files in Lightroom and I couldn’t wait anymore so bought this refurbished MBA as a temporary solution while I waited for the redesigned MBP to come out.
Now that the 14” MBP is out I’ve come to realize that it’s too big, too heavy, and too overpowered for me. The M1 MBA has been an absolute joy to use and it handles my “pro” needs very efficiently and now I can’t imagine giving up this ultra portable form factor.
So I just bought another refurb but doubled the RAM and storage for future-proofing and no longer need the 8/512 I bought in June.
I did contemplate holding on to it until the new MBA comes out next year but since it’s very likely that Apple is about to transition to a “fun” and colorful redesign, much like the iMac, I doubt they’ll give us a space gray option. I just can’t see myself using a laptop with white bezels and white keyboard. The current MBA is a beautiful and elegant design so I’m gonna hold on to it for as long as I can.