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Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Jan 2, 2001
Metairie, LA
I've been posting on this site for nearly a year now and many of u even longer. I'm curious to see who u guys are (more than what's in your quick profiles).

Maybe we can get more info to see how diverse we are in our unity? Maybe this thread can be where we can share more about ourselves to see why we are so dedicated to Apple? Maybe some ages, sexes, locations, etc....


Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Jan 2, 2001
Metairie, LA
maybe I should start it off

I'm 24 years old and live in New Orleans. I work as a production artist for a printing company and do a little bit of freelance design on my own. I've been using Mac's for 5 years now and don't see ever going to the "dark side."


macrumors 68030
Aug 1, 2001
Santa Cruz Ca

Male, 24 years old, married. Canadian born. Lived in or near silicon valley since immigrating in 1986 with my parents. Currently living in Santa Cruz county, which is as close to southern BC as you can get in the States. Primarily of Scotts and Waelsh blood. Enlightened Anarchist. Have family ties into Apple but learn more through my own contacts.


macrumors 68030
Aug 1, 2001
Santa Cruz Ca

Been using Macs since the Mac 2cx. Started with Amigas. Currently working as a draftsman and inhouse IT consultant for a small architectural firm. I've done a little of everything. I datamine for my own amusement and my life-goal is to understand reality.


macrumors member
Jul 17, 2001
Brussels (Belgium)
I'm 16, male, I live in Brussels (Belgium), but I'm half English, half Belgian. Obviously, I am still at school. I've been using Macs since I was pratically born.

[Edited by benmac on 12-21-2001 at 01:53 PM]


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2001
22 year old almost college graduate in Pittsburgh, PA. I've used macs all throughout middle, high school, and college, but my dualie 533 is my first one. I work on the side as a graphic artist/designer and last summer as a mac IT guy in a small graphic design firm.



macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Hey guys.... nice to see you all bonding :)

I'm a 27yr old Internal Medicine resident in my 2nd year of residency. I started computer life with a Commodore VIC 20... around the age of 12 or so, I got an Apple //c, then an Apple //gs, then when I went to college - got a Mac IIsi... though I was pissed Apple had killed off the Apple II line.

Currently have graduated to a Dual 800 G4... along with Mac OS X and am loving life... brings back a level of fun/newness that I haven't experienced since the Apple //gs. :)



macrumors 68000
Dec 6, 2001
Who Am I?

22 year old male, almost graduate. (one semester left baby) 3D Computer Animation major with a focus in character animation. Ive been using Apple since the Apple ][ and loved Karateka. I actually still have it on a 5 inch floppy.

(Does anyone know if I can get that transferred to operate on my mac? If so, Ill get you all a copy of this classic)

Anyway, I just started with macrumors this December, but Im such a blabber mouth that Im already a senior member. Yikes! Im engaged to a lovely lady and I work for a graphic design / corporate branding firm. I am mainly a flash programmer, but dabble in all sorts of other stuff here. This is the site if anyone wants to see.......

Im planning on pursuing a career in character animation post-graduation.
My Toys:


macrumors 68000
Dec 6, 2001

We definately utilize Flash here, but if you arent a Flash fan, the site is not for you.


macrumors 6502
Oct 24, 2001
karateka freeware?

(Does anyone know if I can get that transferred to operate on my mac? If so, Ill get you all a copy of this classic...... WTF is karateka freeware?

than thats new to me.........


macrumors 68000
Dec 6, 2001

Hmmm. Never thought about that. The game is so damn old that I forgot they even had copyright back then.

I remember playing it in like, 4th grade. Lets see.....Im 22 now.......that was over 12 years ago.


macrumors member
Dec 19, 2001

Oh my gosh, I totally forgot what a kick that was (pun intended). That brings up memories of my youth with the IIe and what great color prints we could make just by changing the ribbon (of course, only one color at a time!)

You guys make me feel old. I am a 35 year-old man trapped in the mind of a 16 year old boy and the body of a greek god. OK, so I'm only half right.

My official title at work is Technical Services Coordinator, and I work for a network systems integrator. I live in a world of PC's, and am truly the rounded peg / squared hole axiom. In fact, I am typing on a PC now. (I hope I don't spontaneously combust).

My home state is the wonderfully enchanted land that is Wisconsin, home of June, July, and winter. Although there is very little dreaming of a white Christmas this year, that is one of the true joys of enduring arctic Januarys.

For those of you who are not from the US of A, or are geographically challenged, Wisconsin is in the upper middle of the country, along the latitude (hmmm, or is that longitude) that carries the most diverse weather patterns in the world. We have hot summers, cold winters, and brats - uhh, that's a kind of sausage on a bun, uh, never mind. And bubblers - uhh, that's a water drinking fountain, never mind. And the Green Bay Packers - uhh, never mind.

My personal Mac is an antiquated 8600/250 with 96 Meg of RAM, which I use mostly for Photoshop, which I am still a novice of, or graphics arts type stuff. I only have Photoshop 5, but someday hope to purchase 7 or beyond, along with a shiny new laptop. I have used it also for some work scoring an animation project, and other musical endevours. And to play PegLeg. And maybe someday Karateka.


Ensign Paris

macrumors 68000
Nov 4, 2001
This is me:


I am 15 year old and live in Scammonden nr Huddersfield, West Yorkshire (Originally from Sussex / London (The best place in the world!))

I have been using macs since I was 4 ish, starting with a Mac Classic, and I am now on a PowerbookG4 667 with 1gb RAM.

My dad is Technical Director of a company called Seven Manchester ( and I work there on my school holidays and basicly when every I can, I love my job looking after there network (Gigabit based Fibre&Copper ATM and Ethernet) of about 30 ish macs and about 20 Windows 2000 (DEATH MACHINES!) We have dual 2mb connections to the net at work and ADSL at home.

My personal Macs that I use every day are:

• Powerbook 667 - 1gb RAM - 30gb HD
• PowerMac 867 - 1.5 RAM - 3x 60gb + 2x 180gb Raid - Geforce 3 64mb ddrram. (I WANT MAC COMPATIBLE ATI 8500)
• iMac 400mhz DV - 512mb RAM

These machines are networked by small gigabit based hub and the powerbook by Airport 1. I currently use OS X.1 almost all the time but still use Classic for Photoshop 6, Golive 5, LiveMotion and Facespan.


Apart from Macs my hobbies include riding my horse (called Flame), walking my dogs Kris and Bonnie. And running PA sound systems at insanely high volumes at jazz and rock concerts.

I LOVE running pa at concerts and I am looking to by a 24 channel mixer if n e 1 has got 1 for sale.

Sadly I do you a few microsoft products on my computers, if u have MSN Messenger my e-mail for it is

I also do some website design:

BTW Queen and Bon Jovi are the best bands ever, Frank Sinatra rules!

That must be my longest post yet, check the side as I can remember when I signed up or how many posts I have made!

Thanks for reading about my life.
Guy (Ensign Paris)


Jul 9, 2000
re: who am i?

i am the old man of macrumors in more ways than one

like my bio says i'm 38, yikes, a pc techie, vp, i have a landscaping and gardening business, i teach pc networking to senior citizens, i used to be a musician for 23 years (singer, guitarist, keyboards, bass, drums) before i got bored of that, i used to be in hr for the government, and i love learning so i am in my 22nd year of either college/university/grad school (mpc, cal poly, sonoma state, sbcc, golden gate university, pti, and london university) and plan to one day catch up with my parents who have been going on and off to the local junior college since '59 or'60 and i turned down a teaching job there because then i would no longer be an eligible student which i prefer to teaching anyway

i learn very methodically and slowly and i am not a natural musician thus the 22 and 23 year stints in those fields

but for all the lengthy essays i make on this site, i am only an intermediate mac user at best even though i have used apple machines since the IIe or apple i only navigate around the os and i don't program in mac or write third party drivers or any of that difficult stuff

having started middle age is a drag and i have to fight the fat these days

my only worthy goal is to be truly knowledgeable as a techie so maybe i might begin to understand the macintosh computer and see why it makes some people such zealots


macrumors regular
Nov 8, 2001
Sin City
who am i?

i am 19 going on 20 years old, male, from florida USA, i just recently got an ibook and am putting it up for sale as soon as i see what is released @ macworld so if anyone wants it make me an offer, its 128mb g3 500 mhz, with 10 gig HD and a combo drive, i started with computers on the apple //e then to a PeeCee 166mhz pentium, then to a 1ghz AMD Athlon which is still top of the line for PeeCee, and then to the iBook, and i love osX it rocks like no other OS before :)


macrumors member
Dec 19, 2001

Thank goodness. I was beginning to feel like an outcast being the only 30something to respond to this thread. Boy, we semm to have some pretty common threads to our existence. An ex-musician myself, my main axes were 'boards (we had all the best toys, didn't we?), but I dabbled in bass and guitar. Never really did any drumming, probably because they're really tough to turn down when the wife wants to go to sleep.

Come on, all you hard-headed, soft-middled mac users, stand up and be heard! Strength in numbers, and all that sort of thing.

And remember this, you little whipper-snappers: Age and treachery will always defeat youth and exuberance :)


Jul 9, 2000
wonder years

yeah, we grew up during the wonder years and grew up without the threat of going to vietnam which gave us more chance to grow up slowly and get to explore our youth and music longer

when i eat a sandwich at the park nearby, it gives me an eerie feeling to be near the vietnam monument where the names of fallen soldiers just a few years older than me are memorialized (who would be in their 40s if they were alive today)

these chat rooms on the internet are so much more popular with the young people and come second nature to them and its obvious from how liberal their use of bad language is...where i have to censor myself otherwise it would be a bad example to the kids (who already swear anyway and know words we have no idea of what they mean...what is it with girls calling each other "guys" and guys calling each other "bitch"? and why is something so cool or groovy called "bad" or "the ****"


macrumors member
Dec 19, 2001
Yep, language is the true double-edged sword. We require it to communicate, yet if fails miserably in its effort to do so, partly through our abuse of it and partly through the inherent nature of the medium.

(Personally, I could never trust getting a point across with a language where tomb and womb rhyme, but not with comb, which rhymes with tome, but not with some or come. Also, and this is my favorite, where "raise" and "raze" mean exactly the opposite. Be careful when you invite someone to that good ol' fashioned barn-raising, or barn-razing.)


macrumors 6502
Oct 27, 2001
Hellooooooooooooo...where is all the Apple ladies?

Hello, I am 27 (just turned 27) years old web designer. I lived near San Francisco. I work for web firm that own by the World Herald Company.

I started to use MAC when I was in college. All my friends use PC, and I tried to convinced them to use MAC but no success. The mhz myth doesn't work on them.

Ensign Paris

macrumors 68000
Nov 4, 2001

The Megahetz Myth never worked on my friends either, the thing that works is showing them the mac and its operating system. Thats what has taken some of my friends over the thin - translucent titanium line!



Jul 9, 2000
here is my guess then

in your bio, it says "developer" from chicago...that could mean anything

but you asked us to guess so i am assuming you have a non standard bio here and you have something extraordinary in your background

people with my degree in college (hr and/or personnel) often become private investigators so here is my guess based on your posts:

if a person is a techie and they are a software developer, they almost always use the term programmer and sometimes use the term software developer but i have never ever heard the term developer used in IT in the silicon developer, software engineer, engineer, software techie, techie, apps guy, god, project manager, programmer, coder, but never just "developer"...but i am talking about california and silicon valley in general...i am a hardware techie and i live and breathe the culture but not always by choice

i studied to be a "systems engineer" many years after college and we are called network guys, techs, techies, systems administrators, network administrators, network engineers, gods, bums, but very rarely are we called systems engineers...just like pharmacists are rarely called "doctors" even though they have a doctor of pharmacy degree

my guess is that you are much more wealthy than that and you are a real estate developer and maybe even a multi-millionaire and at least as old as me (38) or even in your 40s and 50s, white, but possibly african american, married or divorced but not single, have two kids, and perhaps a grandkid (i know ctolling and i are not the only old men of macrumors, or at least i hope not)

i assume you have a high end mac, more likely a portable for your real estate business and you are saavy so you also have a pc laptop, too

to keep up with the image of being a serious developer, you are a sharp dresser and view being overwieght or being bald as a symbol or experience or know and i know that most people wouldn't buy a real estate development from a skinny 25 year old with long hair

i believe you are progressive being a mac user and you voted for al gore but you have some conservative business beliefs and have to be good with finances

your property is in apartments and commercial real estate because a person who owns many rental homes rarely call themselves developers

i live in a town full of rich, older, and highly educated real estate developers and they always run for local office in my city, county, and state, and if they are not a lawyer running for office, they are a "developer" and both fields are known for having articulate speakers of which you seem to be from what i have seen from your posts

as great as software techies are, i may be biased here as a hardware guy, the software developers are not the best when it comes to speaking or writing and thus my belief that you are a real estate developer and thus more educated and are too articulate to be the average shy, introverted programmer

san jose is a high tech town, so is dallas, san diego, and phoenix...i cannot think of any high tech companies in chicago (my good friend who i see weekly is from there with his stanford phd in computer science and he got out of chicago because there is literally no programming work to speak of for such a large city which could be the most anti-high tech city in the world...remember that chicago along with nyc invented the american industrial revolution and is proud of those roots and even the university of chicago business school (one of the best) stubbornly teaches 19th century economics...which after the bust does not sound so bad as brick and mortar stocks now rule the roost)

yet in real estate developement, i believe chicago is number two or three in the nation after new york city

i admit while writing this post, i consulted my library so don't think i am smart, i just have a hell of a lot of books

you seem to be highly educated and do not sound like a young poster

and most important of all, if you were a "software" developer, you would not ask us to guess because you would know the non-techies not in the field would automatically assume you were a software developer just like many people assume everybody here is a mac user first and foremost

i had to guess on two other people on macrumors and i was luckily dead on (after studying their posts and language used) and one commented i was frightening...i was simply an hr person and i had to sell prospective military personnel to employees based on very incomplete resumes so i had to be a us government mind reader for a living

so, old mac, am i close?

or did you use reverse psychology on me by simply using the incomplete term "developer"?

or is that what the midwesterners call a software developer?

my wife calls me her husband but my female friend from chicago calls her husband "dad" so there are definitely cultural differences from chicago and northern california

incidentally, the other type of developer i can think of is a person in development for non profits and they don't call themselves developers either

i guesstimate that i am 75 percent right on my prediction (age, race, political beliefs, computers owned) even if you are a software developer and you are under age 40 but then why call yourself "old" mac?

let me know, i am curious and i found this a fun diversion istead of talking about g5s

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