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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 19, 2017
Hello, trying to update the firmware on my 2009 Xserve 3,1 from XS31.0081.B04 to XS31.0081.B06 and it's not doing it. Firmware file was found here:

System only reboots into MacOS 10.8.3 on SSD again and again. All hardware unplugged even PCIE cards. So then I tried manual update via terminal and still it's a no go...the following are of two different commands of using the terminal to update so to see their outputs...any help would be appreciated thanks...

sh-3.2# /Applications/Utilities/Xserve\ EFI\ Firmware\

Your firmware needs to be updated.
Your computer will need to be shut down,
but will automatically power on and complete the update process.
Instructions will be provided.
Run this program with option '-h' for help.
Enter 'y' to confirm you want to update your firmware.
Could not get information on /Volumes/bless.43bx/EFI/APPLE/CACHES: 2
2019-03-03 10:04:09.169 RemoteEFIUpdater[1127:707] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'launch path not accessible'
*** Call stack at first throw:
0 CoreFoundation 0x98d66e9b __raiseError + 219
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x9251952e objc_exception_throw + 230
2 CoreFoundation 0x98cc661b +[NSException raise:format:] + 139
3 Foundation 0x9a2622c5 -[NSConcreteTask launchWithDictionary:] + 521
4 Foundation 0x9a261858 +[NSTask launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:arguments:] + 252
5 RemoteEFIUpdater 0x0000307c RemoteEFIUpdater + 8316
6 RemoteEFIUpdater 0x0000339a RemoteEFIUpdater + 9114
7 RemoteEFIUpdater 0x00003541 RemoteEFIUpdater + 9537
8 RemoteEFIUpdater 0x000022ee RemoteEFIUpdater + 4846
Trace/BPT trap: 5

So I tried the other method as per another site and got this:

sh-3.2# bless -mount / -firmware /Applications/Utilities/Xserve\ EFI\ Firmware\ --recovery --verbose
EFI found at IODeviceTree:/efi
GPT detected
No auxiliary booter partition required
System partition found
Returning booter information dictionary:
<CFBasicHash 0x7fab4c901840 [0x7fff78553110]>{type = mutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
0 : <CFString 0x10b3f1f10 [0x7fff78553110]>{contents = "System Partitions"} = (
1 : <CFString 0x10b3f2590 [0x7fff78553110]>{contents = "Data Partitions"} = (
2 : <CFString 0x10b3f25b0 [0x7fff78553110]>{contents = "Auxiliary Partitions"} = (

Substituting ESP disk0s1
Mounting at /Volumes/bless.qorW
Executing "/sbin/mount"
Returned 0
Deleting contents of EFI cache directory
Could not get information on /Volumes/bless.qorW/EFI/APPLE/CACHES: 2
Creating /Volumes/bless.qorW/EFI/APPLE/FIRMWARE if needed
Deleting previous contents of /Volumes/bless.qorW/EFI/APPLE/FIRMWARE
Deleting /Volumes/bless.qorW/EFI/APPLE/FIRMWARE/EfiUpdaterApp2.efi (143312 bytes)
Deleting /Volumes/bless.qorW/EFI/APPLE/FIRMWARE/XS31_0081_06B_LOCKED.fd (4194304 bytes)
Opened dest at /Volumes/bless.qorW/EFI/APPLE/FIRMWARE//XS31_0081_06B_LOCKED.fd for writing
preallocation not supported on this filesystem for /Volumes/bless.qorW/EFI/APPLE/FIRMWARE//XS31_0081_06B_LOCKED.fd

/Volumes/bless.qorW/EFI/APPLE/FIRMWARE//XS31_0081_06B_LOCKED.fd created successfully
Relative path of /Volumes/bless.qorW/EFI/APPLE/FIRMWARE//XS31_0081_06B_LOCKED.fd is \EFI\APPLE\FIRMWARE\XS31_0081_06B_LOCKED.fd
IOMedia disk0s1 has UUID 4E4BF0EF-5407-470C-B21B-92B1D57CD999
Write to RTC: 0
Setting EFI NVRAM:
<CFBasicHash 0x7fab4bc0b8e0 [0x7fff78553110]>{type = mutable dict, count = 1,
entries =>
2 : <CFString 0x10b3f1eb0 [0x7fff78553110]>{contents = "efi-apple-recovery"} = <CFString 0x7fab4c9028c0 [0x7fff78553110]>{contents = "<array><dict><key>IOMatch</key><dict><key>IOProviderClass</key><string>IOMedia</string><key>IOPropertyMatch</key><dict><key>UUID</key><string>4E4BF0EF-5407-470C-B21B-92B1D57CD999</string></dict></dict><key>BLLastBSDName</key><string>disk0s1</string></dict><dict><key>IOEFIDevicePathType</key><string>MediaFilePath</string><key>Path</key><string>\EFI\APPLE\FIRMWARE\XS31_0081_06B_LOCKED.fd</string></dict></array>"}

Executing "/sbin/umount"
Returned 0

Seems there could be a volume issue but still not sure what it could be since my boot partition is sitting on disk0:

sh-3.2# diskutil list
0: GUID_partition_scheme *121.3 GB disk0
1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1
2: Apple_HFS SSD 121.0 GB disk0s2
0: Apple_partition_scheme *2.1 GB disk1
1: Apple_partition_map 30.7 KB disk1s1
2: Apple_HFS Xcode 2.1 GB disk1s2

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Have you tried an older OS, such as 10.6?
ok thanks...

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