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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jan 9, 2002
see it here The unveiling of xServe.

I'm not done watching it yet, but if you look at 51 minutes into it, Jobs almost trips coming off the stage:) It's kinda funny, but at least he didnt hurt himself...

I understand having a shoddy stream during, say, MacWorld keynotes, but man I have NEVER seen a QuickTime stream THIS BAD. Pauses every few seconds, a frame of video every 30 seconds, and so forth. I managed to finally watch it for about 40 minutes, then BAM, awful again.

Obviosuly it's not running off an Xserve. Haha.

-- justin
Re: Awful!

Originally posted by JtheLemur
I understand having a shoddy stream during, say, MacWorld keynotes, but man I have NEVER seen a QuickTime stream THIS BAD. Pauses every few seconds, a frame of video every 30 seconds, and so forth. I managed to finally watch it for about 40 minutes, then BAM, awful again.

Obviosuly it's not running off an Xserve. Haha.

-- justin

i watched several minutes of it so far on a cable modem and it's been playing fine. though the audio sounds like crap... what connection speed are you going at?
Watched the whole thing.. there was a couple minutes towards the halfway point where Phil started sounding like a Speak'n'Spell but a touch of the pause/play to rebuffer cleared him right up.
I can't get it to load..

requested data...
requested data...
requested data...
requested data...
requested data...
requested data...
requested data...

timed out.

this sucks!
It's fine on T1...:p

Some interesting things were said and left unsaid during the Q&A section during the last 15 minutes or so.

A definite charge for Jaguar - no free upgrade.
No comments on Java Development, and other future hardware...
looks fine to me

It played from beginning to end with no interruptions or missed frames in my connection is really awesome tho (T3)
Re: xServe media event available to see on Apple's site.

Originally posted by G4scott
I'm not done watching it yet, but if you look at 51 minutes into it, Jobs almost trips coming off the stage:) It's kinda funny, but at least he didnt hurt himself...

Yeah, it was a nice recovery though! Not as dramatic as I had hoped... :D
What Web Browser Are they Using

When watching Phil show off the thing, I noticed he wasn't using IE. Does anyone know what he was using?
Re: What Web Browser Are they Using

Originally posted by Centris Fan
When watching Phil show off the thing, I noticed he wasn't using IE. Does anyone know what he was using?

He is using Chimera, I never used it until I saw it on the movie, i totally rules!

I just wish it worked with Java correctly :)


I am ONLY get the audio from the stream... doesn't even attempt to load in image video into the player... QuickTime RULES, but for streaming so far it sucks. WMP streams so much better, although its quality sucks...

i think someone @ Apple config'd this stream wrong or something...
no more requested data

Originally posted by Buggy
I can't get it to load..

requested data...
requested data...
requested data...
requested data...
requested data...
requested data...
requested data...

timed out.

this sucks!

In the QuickTime setup under the "Connection" tab, click the "Transport Setup" button, and click "Auto Configure"

This worked for me. The stream looked fine, and sounded ok for me.
The first two times I tried the link it didn't work very well either. The third time it seems to be going beautifully. I'm at a location on internet 2 so I don't think bandwidth is the problem. I just seems like it wants to hang at first.
Re: WTF!

Originally posted by gandalf55
I am ONLY get the audio from the stream... doesn't even attempt to load in image video into the player... QuickTime RULES, but for streaming so far it sucks. WMP streams so much better, although its quality sucks...

i think someone @ Apple config'd this stream wrong or something...

Thats because you haven't changed your Quicktime preferences Connection speed. It only loads audio for 28k and 55k (i think), which is the default settings. Just go to Preferences->Quicktime Preferences->Connection Speed->and change it to whatever you're using.

Quality & Download

I watched it last night around 7pm MST and it was completely clear and the sound quality sounded like they were right next to me.

I am on a t1, and watching it on a G3/400. (time to upgrade)

also, anyone know a way to download the stream to a file? I've been trying to figure that out for a long time.

Marco :cool:
Re: Re: xServe media event available to see on Apple's site.

Originally posted by Hemingray

Yeah, it was a nice recovery though! Not as dramatic as I had hoped... :D

Just saw it with my own eyes. Just glad he didn't hurt himself. Actually quite surprised they didn't edit this out.
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