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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 7, 2005
My daughter's 6 month old 4 is getting this off and on. Did anyone ever find a definitive fix for this? Taking the SIM card out and re-seating it seems to help for a while, but it comes back a day or two later.

I guess I'll swing by the Apple store on the way home and see what they say.


macrumors 601
Apr 30, 2012
dont bother. when i had my first iphone 4, i started getting the error more and more. i finally got fed up and went to att to get a new SIM card. they replaced it for free, however the NO SIM error occurred a few hours later. sometimes you can fix it by going into airplane mode and back out, other times you need to totally reboot. i finally got fed up and went to apple. they said it was a hardware error and they replaced it, and i had to pay the $150 since i was out of warranty.

btw, ive scoured the internet for hours and read everything about this error. i tried everything from replacing the SIM, to cutting it to putting tape on the sim try. people think the contacts were shorting it out on the tray, others think it was an internal reader error. it wasnt worth the hassle anymore. my replacement phone NEVER had the problem even with the same SIM card. problem must have been with the phone itself.
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 7, 2005
Just figured I would pass along an update. Last week I took my daughter to the Apple store and they replaced the SIM card. 5+ days later still haven't seen the problem reappear. Hope I didn't jinx it. ;-)

I was a little skeptical because I got this error a year ago with my then new 4S and like 'dictoresno' it was never able to fixed, needed a new phone to resolve the problem.


macrumors 601
Apr 30, 2012
a new SIM card may temporarily make it appear to go away but when i did that, the problem came back later that day.
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