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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 27, 2013
Hi, I just recently installed Fink and Fink Commander along with Xcode. How do I install and operate fortran g77 or GNU?


macrumors newbie
Nov 24, 2012
1) Use gfortran as it has replaced g77.
2) I see that fink has the gcc packages with gfortran included so you could use them(I don't know if they have prebuilt binaries and building gcc from scratch can take some time). Otherwise there are differents prebuilt packages available online: hpc for mac os x, gfortran site, R site...


macrumors newbie
Nov 24, 2012
suport for fortran in xcode is really limited: you have the syntax coloring but that's pretty much it, to compile any program you need to use an external build project with a hand written makefile. Intel offers some better integration with Xcode along their fortran compiler but you still have a glorified text editor rather than a true IDE. Your best bet is to look at something else to work with fortran.
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