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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple announced today that it is banning the use of benzene and n-hexande, two potentially hazardous chemicals, during final assembly for both iPhone and iPad, according to the Associated Press. Benzene is a carcinogen that has been linked to leukemia when not handled properly and n-hexane has been linked to nerve damage.

The decision announced Wednesday comes five months after the activist groups China Labor Watch and Green America launched a petition drive calling on Apple Inc. to abandon the use of benzene and n-hexane in the production of iPhones.
The Cupertino company conducted a four-month investigation at 22 factories and found no evidence that either benzene or n-hexane endangered the 500,000 workers at those factories. Four of the factories had traces of the two chemicals at "acceptable safety levels" while the other 18 contained no trace of either.

Still, Apple decided to order its suppliers to stop using the two chemicals for final assembly for iPhones, iPads, Macs, iPods and accessories. The factories will also be required to test all substances to make sure the chemicals aren't present, even if they're not listed in the ingredients. The two chemicals are often found in cleaner used on machinery and electronics.

However, Apple will still allow benzene and n-hexane at plants responsible for the early production phase of its devices, which are, for the most part, different from the final assembly plants. Apple is lowering the maximum amount of the two chemicals that can be used during early processes.

Lisa Jackson, Apple's VP of environmental initiatives, told the AP that the company wanted to be "responsive to concerns" and "crack down on chemical exposures".
"We think it's really important that we show some leadership and really look toward the future by trying to use greener chemistries."
The two chemicals aren't exclusively used by Apple's manufacturing processes, as other large tech companies have faced the same criticisms. Small traces of benzene can also be found in gasoline, cigarettes, paints, glues and more.

Article Link: Apple Bans Two Hazardous Chemicals From Final iPhone Assembly Process


Apr 29, 2009
Silicon Valley, CA
Good on Apple, but I'm sure that won't stop people from complaining about why they didn't do this years ago. Some might even complain that they didn't do this before Apple existed at all just to have an excuse to bash them about it. :rolleyes:


macrumors 68000
Mar 7, 2012
Benzene is a carcinogen that has been linked to leukemia when not handled properly and n-hexane has been linked to nerve damage.

That's great news, good job Apple!


macrumors regular
Nov 10, 2011
chinese factories will still use whatever does the best job or is cheapest, but now Apple is on record telling them not to


macrumors G3
Feb 23, 2010
chinese factories will still use whatever does the best job or is cheapest, but now Apple is on record telling them not to

You know what, that's probably not far from the truth sadly.

Even places I have worked, thing have been changed, hidden, moved around or altered just for a inspection.

I'm sure many here, in some way, have known this thing to happen, even if it's something as seemingly minor as propping a fire door open on a very hot day to let cool air in, when the door should be shut at all times.
Or a cabinet that's unlocked all the time, should officially be locked and is locked whilst an inspector comes around.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 14, 2014
Great news.
Better environment for the employees, hopefully the chemicals were replaced with love.


Mar 21, 2011
Well, this is a first for Apple.

However, why are they smiling ? This is a serious risk...

On the up-shot, no one would know if MR wasn't around.. then there would be a massive re-call when people DID get sick.

Nothing to see here people... move along.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 17, 2010
26 minutes it took. Not bad! :rolleyes:

I was going to post that someone would inevitably ignore the the main beneficiaries of this ban (the employees), and instead selfishly post about first-world customers. Since it occurred in the very first post, I didn't have time.


macrumors regular
Oct 20, 2013
Two chemicals in any college-level chem lab. Oh, the horror!

Ps it's probably n-hexane, not n-hexande
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