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macrumors 68020
Aug 17, 2004
Communard de Londres,Tiocfaidh ár lá
It is sad but it isn't modern these cases have been around for decades at least.
The British MP found hanging with an orange stuffed in his mouth and wearing womens underclothes only one of the more colourful examples,kids having been doing it at least since the 1960's


macrumors 603
Feb 2, 2002
We played this as kids, it was hugely popular. i only did it once, but it was pretty scary. I'm really glad these kids are suffocating to death trying to get high, rather than smoking non-toxic cannibis like people have done for decades in our own society. It's a much better trade off. Drugs are bad, kids, find more interesting ways to get high. I knew kids in junior high that experimented with sleep deprivation to get a buzz, for christ's sake. some people are just pleasure seeking, nature planned for that and gave us something OK to use, but we knew better.


macrumors 6502
Jan 19, 2005
back in 8th/9th grade i was living in Germany and i had friends who would do this. stupid as hell. one guy would get behind the other so he can catch the guy who passes out. one of the times they were down by the river and the guy fell forward instead of backwards when he passed out, his face nailed the big rocks. his mouth was practically wired shut for awhile after that, they put concrete in his mouth during it to hold the teeth back in place. like i said, stupid people.


macrumors 603
Feb 2, 2002
autoerotic asphyxiation and the "pass-out game" are two very different things. one is about sex, the other is about getting high. i doubt people who practice one also practice the other, considering the very different motives and techniques used.


macrumors member
May 19, 2005
iGary said:
Darwin wins.
Agreed. This may sound heartless, but my second thought (the first being iGary's) was what comes of these kids if they actually survive and grow up. If they're addicted to that rush, then beer and pot probably won't do it for them. Seems like the type of personality that looks for harder things. A life of bad decisions was snuffed out early.


macrumors 68020
Jan 21, 2005
Now that is just cooky. Choking yourself to get "high". Couldn't that theorectically cause more brain damage than smoking pot? Crazy kids... :rolleyes:


macrumors 68000
Jun 19, 2004
Plant City, FL
qzak said:
back in 8th/9th grade i was living in Germany and i had friends who would do this. stupid as hell. one guy would get behind the other so he can catch the guy who passes out. one of the times they were down by the river and the guy fell forward instead of backwards when he passed out, his face nailed the big rocks. his mouth was practically wired shut for awhile after that, they put concrete in his mouth during it to hold the teeth back in place. like i said, stupid people.
I had some "friends" (more like acquaintances) that did this in school. I told them then that it was stupid, and this just confirms it. I just can't see where the fun is in the whole thing. I mean, go play football or something, if you want fun. Then, you'll at least have a lesser chance of hurting yourself. :rolleyes:


macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2005
iGary said:
Darwin wins.

I also agree. As cold hearted as it sounds, maybe if this kid thought this was a good idea, whose to say that later on he might think that the "Going 100mph down the wrong side of the road game" is fun? And then he could have killed a ton of other people. It is sad though, I will say that.


macrumors 603
Feb 2, 2002
ham_man said:
Now that is just cooky. Choking yourself to get "high". Couldn't that theorectically cause more brain damage than smoking pot? Crazy kids... :rolleyes:

Well pot can't kill you, or cause brain damage at all, so yes.

i'm amazed by the number of people who think it's good that these kids die. i assure you, if you new how many kids did this, you'd be appalled at yourselves.

Who honestly believes this is more of a rush than alcohol or pot? Both are better buzzes that last much, much longer. They just happen to be unavailable to many 12-year-olds.


macrumors 68020
Aug 17, 2004
Communard de Londres,Tiocfaidh ár lá
rainman::|:| said:
Well pot can't kill you, or cause brain damage at all, so yes.

i'm amazed by the number of people who think it's good that these kids die. i assure you, if you new how many kids did this, you'd be appalled at yourselves.

Who honestly believes this is more of a rush than alcohol or pot? Both are better buzzes that last much, much longer. They just happen to be unavailable to many 12-year-olds.
I'm astounded by how many 12ish year old kids round my way smoke dope openly and yet I never see them drinking,possibly a good thing in my opinion.I do realise its a bit different in other parts of Europe.


macrumors 68040
Jun 13, 2004
Article said:
Six girls at the school were suspended for a day after a security camera videotape showed the seventh-graders choking each other in a hallway.

That would be a scary sight for someone to see - kids choking eachother. :rolleyes: :eek:

While the game seems very stupid, I have to sympathize with the parents :( Hopefully this game can be stopped to prevent more unnecessary fatalities.


macrumors 603
Feb 2, 2002
Peterkro said:
I'm astounded by how many 12ish year old kids round my way smoke dope openly and yet I never see them drinking,possibly a good thing in my opinion.I do realise its a bit different in other parts of Europe.

Yeah, I see a lot more preadolescent kids smoking, and it's pretty sad... but it's better than drinking, and a hell of a lot better than asphyxiation. while i'm pro-cannibis, i think one should wait until 15 or so to try it, you need to have at least a little grip on real life before you start escaping it...


macrumors P6
Oct 20, 2002
wPod said:
I'm sorry, I had to laugh at this. It is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I guess kids these days have nothing worth while to do.

my favorite quote :

"youngsters think the choking game offers a safe buzz compared with drinking or doing drugs." damn, i say just give them a beer!

Sorry, but I don't see anything in the story that should cause a laugh. Very sad that a female and male child are now dead due to a silly game. Apparently children have moved on from sniffing glue or other intoxicants. The young just think they are invincible, that it can't happen to me. My prayers are with their family and friends.

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Nobody in the Ever been Knocked Out? thread seems to be reporting they enjoyed their loss of consciousness.

Fads among kids often produce dangerous activities, and many kids believe the rumors they hear from peers. When one produces a death or serious injury, it's good that the news spreads about just what can go wrong.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 21, 2003
wdlove said:
Sorry, but I don't see anything in the story that should cause a laugh. Very sad that a female and male child are now dead due to a silly game.

Agreed. The younger you are, the more you don't understand the risk involved, especially when the equation is high-penalty but very-low likelihood. The finality of death that scares the sh** out of older folks probably doesn't typically exist in that age category, and add to that the fact that the kids almost certainly didn't realize that there was any risk at all. When the risk is this high, there will be no 'next time' to learn from.

It's no coincidence that high-penalty/low-likelihood risk behaviors decrease markedly with age, be it driving or swimming in unfamiliar waters. Sure you can partake in risky habits with no immediate penalty, but as a teenager or younger, one simply does not yet have the experience with comparing extended patterns of risk over a 1 year, or even a 10 year period. It's statistics. For example speeding in traffic on the fast lane is fine, but I estimate I come across a serious obstacle in the fast lane of a freeway once every five years (e.g. a mattress or boulder), but if you've only been driving for 2 years, that equation is meaningless. Ditto for other things that may happen less frequently such as catastrophic mechnical failure, or someone driving the wrong way on the freeway (~once every 5-15 yrs). Accident and death rates that change with age don't lie-- People don't become more boring, they become more scared, and any further risk taking is either a completely-informed intentional decision (i.e. knowing the risk but not caring), or tweaked to reduce risk acceptably (e.g. speeding in less crowded conditions with an open lane beside you).

Bottom line-- the kids didn't even know they were playing with fire.


macrumors G4
Aug 2, 2004
applemacdude said:
stupid kids these days......
Perhaps - I did a ton of stupid things as a kid (25-odd years ago), and managed to survive.

I have to question if kids that are 9, 10, 11 years old really understand the ramifications of this activity. Their friends say it's fun, so they try it, not understanding that they could die from it.

It's not stupidity - it's ignorance. The hard part is that parents don't know this is going on and can't provide some guidance to their children. Or they do know, and assume their kids wouldn't do it.

Sad that this child died (those who laughed or don't care must not have kids), and sadder still that more likely will.


macrumors G4
Aug 2, 2004
Peterkro said:
emw having your own kids or not is not a prerequisite for caring.
True, but in my opinion if you have your own kids, you're much less likely to laugh at someone else losing their children. This is not to say that if you don't have kids, you can't be equally sympathetic.
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