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macrumors 603
Jan 24, 2012
Love it! Hope with Wii U you can have all the on screen stuff like maps and infos only seen on the touchpad. It really distracts from the great open world experience. I read AC3 works that way.


macrumors 6502
Mar 30, 2013
Portugal, Cascais
Ubisoft abandoned the Watch Dogs trademark. What?

Ubisoft abandons Watch Dogs trademark - What does that mean? - GameSpot

Ubisoft has abandoned one of half-a-dozen trademarks it holds for upcoming open-world game Watch Dogs, but it doesn't mean the much-anticipated open-world game is canceled.

As spotted by a NeoGAF forum member, Ubisoft on February 1 abandoned its main Watch Dogs trademark after the publisher filed an "express abandonment" request. This request was filed by none other than Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot. You can see the full request here.

The trademark, U.S. Serial No. 85642398, is the principal Watch Dogs trademark and covers "game software and electronic game programs." Interestingly, the abandonment came just three days after Ubisoft was granted an extension on the trademark.

Ubisoft continues to hold five trademarks for Watch Dogs. These include trademarks covering "online computer games," game instruction manuals, toys, TV shows and theatrical performances, and clothing like pajamas and "infants' one-piece garments."

It's possible that Ubisoft's abandonment of this Watch Dogs trademark means the game's title has been changed or that administrative issues mandated such an action. We don't know and a Ubisoft representative was not immediately available to comment.

Watch Dogs has not only drawn praise from critics, but is expected to be a major revenue driver from Ubisoft upon release later this year, making any thoughts of its cancellation very unlikely. The game was originally expected to launch in November 2013, but was later delayed to spring 2014.

Oh god, please don't cancel this game ;-;


macrumors 6502a
Apr 19, 2012
Norwich, UK
It would be a massive shame if they did; it's been in development for such a long time now that it would seem such a waste of time, surely they can get something out of it!!


macrumors 6502
Mar 30, 2013
Portugal, Cascais
Watch_Dogs Release Date and new Trailer coming today? - NeoGAF


which was removed as of now but you can still see it on the cached site.


<a href="?rel=0" data-wt-event="Media Gallery - video - Watch_Dogs is on its way..." data-wt-redirect="false" class="clearfix lb_youtube" rel="media-item">
<div class="button video"> </div>
<img src="/mqdefault.jpg" alt="Watch_Dogs is on its way..." />

<div class="hover ">
<div class="tab">Watch_Dogs is on its way...</div>

<div class="tab-content">
Find out the release date in this new trailer.



I want a new trailer!!


macrumors newbie
May 6, 2014
It really sucks this game is not available for OSX. I think it's ****** a hacking based game that went through the trouble of getting the rights to use the iPhone in the game isn't available to play on OSX, even through Steam.

I have tried installing watch_dogs in a windows 7 VM on my MacPro but VMware fusion will only run Direct X9, the game requires Direct X11... so I'd have to partition a bootcamp and boot my entire system to windows. Kind of a pain.

I really hope they drop an OSX compatible version on Steam, soon!
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