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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

At its September 10 iPhone event, Apple provided multiple publications with iPhones running iOS 7. The embargo has now lifted on review posts, so we have gathered some relevant excerpts from each site in order to highlight general release reactions to Apple's new operating system.

Jim Dalrymple, The Loop
iOS 7 isn't a big change functionally from what we're all used to with iOS 6. Apple kept most of things we know about how to use the operating system and integrated them with the design.

Of course, that is the big change with the new iOS--the look and feel are newer, some would say flatter. While we were all a bit shocked with the look when it was first introduced, it doesn't take long to adapt. In fact, there are many things I like better.
David Pogue, The New York Times
The complete absence of graphic embellishments makes it especially utilitarian -- in both senses of the word. That's good, because whatever button or function you need is easier to find; it's bad, because, well, it can look a little boring.

Then again, the new look is primarily visible at the Home screen, where a jarringly different color palette greets you on the Apple app icons, and on the options screen. The rest of the time, you'll be using your regular apps, many of which will look no different than before.
Darrell Etherington, TechCrunch
The recommendations iTunes Radio serves up based on genres and artists I like were very (frighteningly?) accurate, and that makes for a thoroughly enjoyable lean-back listening experience. I'm still an Rdio fan when it comes to streaming music services, and their new personalized radio stations are also impressive, but Apple will provide everything most users need in custom Internet radio with this new feature, which is also available in an upcoming iTunes update on the desktop.
Walt Mossberg, AllThingsD
Its new look, new user interface and new functions represent the biggest overhaul to the iPhone's core software since the original model launched in 2007. Nearly everything has been improved, including multi-tasking, notifications, access to common controls, email, Web browsing and Siri. Like any big change, it's a shock at first, but I have come to like it and consider it a step forward, despite a few issues.
Other Reviews

Ed Baig, USA Today
Stuart Miles, Pocket-Lint
Myriam Joire, Engadget

iOS 7 will be released to the public tomorrow.

Article Link: First iOS 7 Reviews: Everything Improved, iTunes Radio Recommendations Are 'Frighteningly Accurate'


macrumors 601
Dec 5, 2011
Design and no major functionality changes, that's Ive.

Wow have you even seen it? Notifications-completely different, control panel-completely new, multitasking-completely different, iTunes radio-completely new, photo albums-completely different just to name a handful. So not just new design/icons. But yes new design too now that you mention it. Just sayin Luke.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 18, 2010
I've been using it since dp1. iOS 6 looks so dated now. The more I use it, the more I like it.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2011
Not exactly a "home run" from the reviews. Calendar app is definitely a step backwards.


macrumors 68030
Mar 27, 2011
I didn't appreciate what a big step forward iOS 7 was until I restored to iOS 6 for a while. Not only are settings much more easily accessed in iOS 7, the whole OS just feels and LOOKS so much more modern.


macrumors regular
Jul 11, 2013
Hong Kong
I'm looking forward to that feeling when I see and old screenshot and I can't believe how archaic iOS 6 looks...

It's amazing how we suddenly forget minor details (like the old toggles, for example); but looking at iOS 7 is like landing on a new planet.


macrumors 603
Jan 20, 2010
Several things in iOS 7 are a waste of screen real estate: the new signal 'dots', the new back chevron arrow button, white space, etc.

Also the lack of a black theme (keyboard is an example) is mind boggling. The white is good for being able to see the screen good in the sunlight, but at night it burns.


macrumors regular
Sep 19, 2012
Im not sure I'll update my iphone 4 with iOS 7. It might really slow it down further.


macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
I wonder if any reviewers (or trolls) will pretend WWDC wasn't packed with thousands of meaty under-the-hood improvements, which will show up to the user as app functionality?

A review of the looks and UI alone is half a review.


macrumors newbie
Sep 28, 2011
I disagree with the iTunes Radio review

I made a Tony Bennett radio station, and he has shown up maybe 3 times out of the past 100+ songs. If I really wanted a bunch of Frank Sinatra, I would have made a playlist for that.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 9, 2013
iTunes Radio is probably accurate because Apple had Genius for so long and has been collecting data. They've always been in the best position to do something like this.


macrumors regular
Jul 24, 2004
Council Bluffs, IA
After using the beta for a few months, I was not impressed. I was using it on a 4S. Didn't slow it down, but it just reminds me an awful lot of the android operating system. Even thought there were similarities, I did like the colors, the stock app icons looked good (a little confusing at first to find some).....but that's about it. ""Everything improved" is a little bit of a stretch though. I did have iOS 7 installed on an iphone 4 and it was super slow.


macrumors 6502
Apr 6, 2012
So are iPad's getting this tomorrow or not until the new hardware is released?


Sep 8, 2007
Not exactly a "home run" from the reviews. Calendar app is definitely a step backwards.

I got a very positive impression from the reviews (though I only read three of them in full). Where did you see the negates on the calendar? That's one of the things that--from the promo stuff--I'm most looking forward to.


macrumors 65816
Apr 18, 2010
Ok, Walt and Kara need to make sure that they get their exclusive interview with Tim again. You know, the one where Tim reveals nothing, Kara contributes nothing and Tim doubles down on security. But "Everything improved" is a bit much.


macrumors 65816
Apr 24, 2010
Geez, David Pogue is such a hack.

Whichever way the idiotic wisdom of the inter-winds are blowing, you can be sure he'll gladly regurgitate it later on in his own column. Gotta appease the fandroids, lest he be accused of Apple bias for calling a spade a spade, right?
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