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Lil Chillbil

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 30, 2012
Hear me out, so as we all know is that with the release of mountain lion apple started to drop support for its 2006 intel machines. and they dropped support for powerpc macs in 2006 when those macs were released. we have a powerpc subforum so why not replace it with a legacy mac users forum for people using macs from early 2007 and older. where a community of people who love their older macs can come together and help each other by developing apps upgrading hardware and helping others troubleshoot their macs for years to come

just my 2 cents
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I'm not sure I understand your question.

Are you looking for a sub forum for all Mac users (PPC and intel) that are older then 2007?

If so what would that forum provide that the users cannot get from the OSX and Mac App sub forums. While its true that apple dropped support on some intel Macs, that doesn't mean the current OSX and Mac Apps forums is now a bad location to ask for help - or am I misunderstanding your suggestion?

Jessica Lares

macrumors G3
Oct 31, 2009
Near Dallas, Texas, USA
There's not a real need for it to be honest. Everything that will be asked, has been asked in the past. It's cool that you guys are wanting to develop new stuff, but what I'm mostly seeing in the thread over at the PowerPC area is that people want things that are beyond the reach of what can be done. By the time a project like that is done, the PowerPC will be deeper into obsoleteness and the hardware is just going to keep on getting older with use. People are not going to sit around waiting either, you'll think otherwise, but it will happen.

Lil Chillbil

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 30, 2012
There's not a real need for it to be honest. Everything that will be asked, has been asked in the past. It's cool that you guys are wanting to develop new stuff, but what I'm mostly seeing in the thread over at the PowerPC area is that people want things that are beyond the reach of what can be done. By the time a project like that is done, the PowerPC will be deeper into obsoleteness and the hardware is just going to keep on getting older with use. People are not going to sit around waiting either, you'll think otherwise, but it will happen.

I'm just about to make the jump to intel macs

and I was the fricking one who made the whole "stick with powerpc thread"
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