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macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 1, 2006
Fury 161
Well, I found a website I wanted to share with you guys... It left me speechless.


If you're red/green colorblind, you won't be able to read a single word, probably

The only thing it lacks is a "Made on a PC" banner at the end, just in case it's not obvious enough. :D

We could also start a contest on this matter... Might be fun.


macrumors 65816
Oct 12, 2006
Pasadena, CA
Did you put the "caution" on there? It causes Firefox to trip up and be unable to open the page.

I had problems too. The link is wrong, but if you copy the address instead of clicking on the link, it works.

This link should work.

Surprisingly (or not), I've seen much worse websites than this. I don't bookmark them though so I don't have any to share...


macrumors 68020
Aug 30, 2006
It's not that bad compared to some I've seen. At least the site is readable.

Trust me, there are a LOT worse websites out there. I don't want to further scar my retinas by going to look for them. :D

Opened just fine in Firefox for me however. Not sure what the issue seems to be.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2005
Diddily Daddily...
If you're red/green colorblind, you won't be able to read a single word, probably
The only thing it lacks is a "Made on a PC" banner at the end, just in case it's not obvious enough. :D

im full-sighted and I found that hard to read. (not that i read spanish or mexican or whatever it is..) i dont know HOW they thought it was useful to anyone.

also. i use a Dell/XP machine @ work to design Web Application screens. "bad design" isn't necessarily a sign of PCs, it's more usually a sign of stupidity :D


macrumors 68040
Nov 27, 2003


macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 1, 2006
Fury 161
also. i use a Dell/XP machine @ work to design Web Application screens. "bad design" isn't necessarily a sign of PCs, it's more usually a sign of stupidity :D

What's the connection between the platform it's made on and the page design?

I find its easier to make beautiful things, when you sit in front a beautiful computer... kind of another state of mind... ;) But you got a point: I was refering more to Frontpage...

BTW I had my wallet stolen out of my backpack in Valencia in the summer of 1990. Wasn't you, was it? :D

I have an alibi: in 1990, I was seven years old, and lived near the French border... :D
By the way, not that I'm defending the city (or its politicians!) but it has changed a lot since then!

mac 2005

macrumors 6502a
Apr 1, 2005
Guess which platform Frontpage runs on.


I've seen some incredible stuff designed on Frontpage, just as I've seen crap designed on DreamWeaver. Quality work hinges more on the vision and skills of the artist and less on the tool, per se. And a person's decision to use Windows rather than OS X says nothing about their creativity. I know of a Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist that I believe uses a pen to write the manuscripts for his books.

P.S. Anyone have the URL for the Holy Roller website that pops up here from time to time as "the worst site"? That site, if it doesn't save your mortal soul, will give you a stroke.


macrumors regular
Aug 13, 2004

I've seen some incredible stuff designed on Frontpage, just as I've seen crap designed on DreamWeaver. Quality work hinges more on the vision and skills of the artist and less on the tool, per se. And a person's decision to use Windows rather than OS X says nothing about their creativity. I know of a Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist that I believe uses a pen to write the manuscripts for his books.

I think the quality of the design has nothing to do with the tool you use. Having said that - coding something up in FrontPage produces quite horrific and not very standards based code. So basically you can make two sites look identical if you create one in FrontPage and another in Dreamweaver, but the HTML / CSS code it creates are quite different. Dreamweaver tends to create cleaner, standards reliant code - not perfect mind you, but better than Frontpage. Now with CSS based layouts being so dominant nowadays, I would strongly suggest not using either of those tools and hand-coding sites. This way you get the best, cleanest code you can. This has numerous advantages which I won't go into.

Really most sites are 'designed' outside of Dreamweaver / Frontpage in programs like Photoshop, and Dreamweaver / Frontpage are just tools for layout out the design in HTML code.

Father Jack

macrumors 68020
Jan 1, 2007
Did you put the "caution" on there? It causes Firefox to trip up and be unable to open the page.
My Firefox was fine with it ... but the site looks like a colour blind person designed it. On second thoughts, perhaps it was just a blind person that was responsible ..... :eek:


macrumors 6502a
Mar 31, 2004
Los Angeles
My web design cerftificate requires me to take Front Page course as part of the program. Good thing its the remedial, I guess give those with no web experience first hand experience? I do not know I wonder if I can make it another course? But yeah worthless program that I do not know how to get.


macrumors regular
Sep 17, 2006
regarding the lingscars site i chatted to one of there online team on the live chat thing and asked how customers react to there website and if they thought it was cluttered. and there response was people didnt think it was cluttered email our web team, which i was quite tempted to.
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