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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

The Loop notes that Apple has released Logic Pro 9.1 and MainStage 2.1, bringing several bug fixes to the company's professional audio applications, as well as 64-bit compatibility for users running Mac OS X 10.6.2 or later.
Adding 64-bit support to Logic 9.1 and MainStage 2.1 effectively removes the memory limit imposed on 32-bit applications running under Mac OS X. When running the apps in 64-bit mode, users can take advantage of any memory left after allocating the system, plug-ins and other apps.
As addressed in an Apple FAQ support document, users of 32-bit plug-ins will be able to use Logic Pro and MainStage in 64-bit mode, with Apple's new 32-bit Audio Unit Bridge serving to provide compatibility with those plug-ins.

The report also notes that there are several features in Logic Pro and MainStage that are not yet functional in 64-bit mode, so users should make note of those limitations before deciding which mode to use. Full details of the changes in Logic Pro 9.1 and MainStage 2.1 are available in release notes posted on Apple's site.

Apple released its updated Logic Studio suite in July and had issued a couple of minor updates before today's major point release.

Article Link: Apple Updates Logic Pro and MainStage, Adds 64-Bit Compatibility


macrumors 65816
Jun 4, 2005
New York, NY
omg srsly? Bug Fixes? A .1 update? 64-bit?? :D

I was thinking of moving most of my production to Ableton cuz of all the little annoying bugs and memory errors. This might keep me on Logic.


macrumors 68020
Jan 12, 2006
omg srsly? Bug Fixes? A .1 update? 64-bit?? :D

I was thinking of moving most of my production to Ableton cuz of all the little annoying bugs and memory errors. This might keep me on Logic.

I know your pain. I'm used to Logic 8's bugs but I'm slowly getting used to Logic 9's bugs. Will give the update a try, looks like they fixed quite a lot of stuff.


macrumors regular
Feb 6, 2007
let's hope this fixes the memory bug from hell.....

It has been slowing me down massively.

updating now...


macrumors 6502
Apr 7, 2007
64 bit? Hint: Wrap your arms tightly around your old audio apps, no matter what these people say about clarity. Remember that rush and return to old 60s and 70s gear? The value of old amplifiers and equalizers and mixing boards sky-rocketed. Vintage 16 bit recording is going to be huge in a few years after people complain about the weird lack of character and hyper-clarity of 64 bit recording.

For convenience we'll record in 16 bit and then edit in 64 bit.

Think of one word, people: TONE.


macrumors 65816
Jun 4, 2005
New York, NY
64 bit? Hint: Wrap your arms tightly around your old audio apps, no matter what these people say about clarity. Remember that rush and return to old 60s and 70s gear? The value of old amplifiers and equalizers and mixing boards sky-rocketed. Vintage 16 bit recording is going to be huge in a few years after people complain about the weird lack of character and hyper-clarity of 64 bit recording.

For convenience we'll record in 16 bit and then edit in 64 bit.

Think of one word, people: TONE.

64-bit is NOT relating to the sound quality. This update is upgrading the program's architecture to accommodate more RAM -- right now 32-bit caps off at 4GB of RAM. Lots of sample libraries are 2GB+, and Logic users have been running into memory issues.

Right now all (most?) audio programs have internal 32-bit editing, regardless if you choose to record in 16-bit or 24-bit. I don't believe there are any 64-bit capable audio interfaces out right now.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
For convenience we'll record in 16 bit and then edit in 64 bit.

Is this NOT about 64-bit samples. This is about the width of pointers on the software. 32 bit pointers allow you to "only" address 4GB or memory per process.

Going to 64 bits means now you can use four billion gigabytes of RAM (Yes, I'm not kidding) should you happen to have that much installed in your Mac.

Nothing to do with Sample size.

How much data can you fit into a 64 bit space? About 45,000 years of streaming video.

J the Ninja

macrumors 68000
Jul 14, 2008
Nothing for Soundtrack Pro? Bastards. :p Hope that comes in another update. Now I suddenly feel hopeful for a 64bit update in the FCS apps that can...(Motion and STP are both Cocoa, are they not?)


macrumors member
Oct 21, 2008
64-bit is NOT relating to the sound quality. This update is upgrading the program's architecture to accommodate more RAM -- right now 32-bit caps off at 4GB of RAM. Lots of sample libraries are 2GB+, and Logic users have been running into memory issues.

Right now all (most?) audio programs have internal 32-bit editing, regardless if you choose to record in 16-bit or 24-bit. I don't believe there are any 64-bit capable audio interfaces out right now.

I think uraniumwilly was making a joke. I hope.

Mattie Num Nums

macrumors 68030
Mar 5, 2009
YES! About time! I am very excited about this news. I have some pops though since moving from Logic 7 that have plagued me maybe a new update will help that too :)


macrumors regular
Feb 6, 2007

My early 2008 macpro 8core unfortunately isn't 64bit compatible so I am running the 32bit version of logic 9 and it seems loads better, some of my biggest projects still give me an error but no crashes, and my medium sized projects which were giving memory issues seem to be OK.


(although I stil may get a 12-core...)


macrumors regular
Jan 19, 2008

Now APERTURE 3.0 @64bit with improved features!

Please be a major app on the tablet so regular mbp users can upgrade as well :)


macrumors 65816
Jul 29, 2005
64 bit? Hint: Wrap your arms tightly around your old audio apps, no matter what these people say about clarity. Remember that rush and return to old 60s and 70s gear? The value of old amplifiers and equalizers and mixing boards sky-rocketed. Vintage 16 bit recording is going to be huge in a few years after people complain about the weird lack of character and hyper-clarity of 64 bit recording.

For convenience we'll record in 16 bit and then edit in 64 bit.

Think of one word, people: TONE.

LOL. I just fell down and died laughing.

But really, lets hope no one starts doing comparing 32 and 64.

Any word on the people using Logic 8. I guess that mean im gonna pay for 9.

No rewire for 64-bit. I wonder how many people are using rewire.
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