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  1. L

    "correct spelling automatically" in chrome ?

    how hard is it for devs to add that macOS native feature ? genuine question and is there a way to enable it in chrome, and. if not, what alternatives do we have ? tryping french with qwerty sucks
  2. M

    iOS Autocorrect can't be turned off

    Since the update to iOS17 where autocorrect was 'improved', my iPhone has been driving me absolutely mad. My native language is not supported in my keyboard language settings, and as a result I do not use autocorrect. Since iOS17, with autocorrect turned OFF, the keyboard STILL replaces certain...
  3. L

    Resolved how to bypass macOS autocorrect ?

    how can you bypass autocorrect on macOS ? for example i'm trying to write "macg" (a french site similar to macrumors), but it keeps correcting to "mac" no matter what pressing tab, space, delete , changes nothing, and im thus unable what i want to write if macOS deems it "incorrect"
  4. dusk007

    Autocorrect and Spelling (Disable)

    How can I just completely turn of autocorrect and spelling. I already disabled - Correct spelling automatically - Capitalise words automatically I find Apple Spelling super annoying as it just changes words without me telling it too while one types. And it is not good at understanding that 3+...
  5. Lcgiv

    iOS 16 autocorrect/predictive text issues

    Maybe this has been covered, and maybe I’m just being a dolt, but my iPhone 13 Pro on iOS 16 (as of 7 hours ago) seems to suddenly use multiple languages to choose from for autocorrect and predictive text dictionaries when writing in English. It is not a language I am familiar with. It mostly...
  6. jumpcutking

    Autocorrect: Not to nit?????

    So autocorrect has been converting not in a sentence to nit. Randomly and without warning… Also tries to fix tenses. “Tries” kept getting converted to “tried”… like what? Also “If” to “of” and “of” to “if”…. It’s like my autocorrect wants people to think, I’m lazy. Unlearned. Perhaps it wants...
  7. robbietop

    iOS 15.2.1 has royally complicated my life

    Replace ”complicated” with a four letter word starting with F. AirPods won’t auto swap between phone and iPad, stick with iPad regardless until I have to turn Bluetooth off before it will reconnect to iPhone. Autocorrect has gone haywire. Randomly changes don’t to dont. Stuff like that. But...
  8. baryon

    iPhone SE (2016) Why can't the iPhone keyboard just be good?

    I use two languages when using my phone: Hungarian and English. In iOS, you have to add both keyboards separately and switch between them when switching languages. Of course I always forget to do this and type half my sentence on the wrong keyboard and it's incredibly annoying as the autocorrect...
  9. marimora

    French autocorrect taking over

    Hello, please help me, this is doing my head in. I have an iPhone 6S running iOS 13.5. I have four keyboards installed including French, with my main language being English. But when I’m typing with the ENGLISH KEYBOARD, my English words get autocorrected into French. Present—> présent, realise...
  10. NightFox

    Emoji Search uses AutoCorrect

    Not sure if this is a bug or by design, but when using Emoji Search, iOS seems to invisibly apply AutoCorrect to what you've typed. For example, if I start typing "Easter" and get as far as "Easte", rather than show every emoji that might start with "Easte", the search function seems to decide...
  11. N


    Earlier this week, my auto correct stopped working. In particular any word that had punctuation in it like it's, I'm and don't didn't automatically add the punctuation. I went into the settings for this feature, unchecked everything, then shut my iPad down. I turned it back on again and...
  12. N

    QuickType and Autocorrect on iOS12

    I am not sure if it's just me but I feel that QuickType and Autocorrect have been awful for the past few versions of iOS, maybe since they started implementing heavy Machine Learning algorithms to predict what the user is trying to type. As a person that switches between languages many times a...
  13. J

    Can I Turn Off Autocorrect in iTunes "Comments" and "Lyrics" Fields?

    Can anyone tell me how to disable the autocorrect function for the "comments" and "lyrics" fields within iTunes? I have already disabled autocorrect for the OS as a whole (System Preferences > Keyboard > Text > uncheck "Correct spelling automatically"), but iTunes continues to "correct" text in...
  14. S

    Autocorrect messes up name links on facebook

    Anyone have this problem on iPhone? When trying to type a friend's name in a post on facebook so that the name actually links to their profile, auto correct seems to scramble their name into gibberish.
  15. F

    New weird autocorrect bug

    Is anyone experiencing the word "it" autocorrecting to "I.T" every time? Similar to the infamous "I" autocorrect from a couple weeks ago, this is happening more and more with my friends and family, as well as myself. Just wondering!
  16. richimages

    With iOS 11.1.1 (15B150) update, when I type the word “world“ , I get the word “W:o:r:l:d” affects

    I have no text replace rules. This is affecting both my iPad and my iPhone anywhere a keyboard is used. (Apple Notes app, apple iMessages, Microsoft applications such as word, make a note in Kindle, etc.) Anyone eise seeing this?
  17. C

    My phone is changing the letter after “H” to random symbols?

    The other day my phone started changing the letter after “H” to random symbols. For example: I️ is what happened when that letter was typed. Any insight would be great. I’ve tried a factory reset and updated it. The letter works fine when it’s in other words. Thanks!
  18. L

    Universal autocorrect?

    Hello, I've set up autocorrect, checked 'correct spelling automatically' in the Settings, and made sure I've checked 'check spelling while typing' in the apps I use. However, autocorrect still doesn't work, especially on facebook. Is there a way to force autocorrect to work universally? Thanks!
  19. T

    Autocorrecting one character

    Hello! My iPhone has been doing this really annoying autocorrect for some time and I can't get it to stop.... it autocorrects my ampersands (&) to have an additional character after it. For instance, when I type "macaroni & cheese", it autocorrects it to "macaroni &a cheese" or "macaroni &I...
  20. B

    So you can't autocorrect "****" to "****" anymore.

    I guess Apple just wants me to type "Duck" or "Fucj" every time. Is this a global thing? You can't type the same phrase as a shortcut? Pretty stupid, Apple. yet another pointless iOS 10 "Feature"