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  1. Meghana Karandikar

    Playing alpha video in iOS

    I need to play alpha video. But AVPlayer which is used in iOS to play videos does not support alpha videos. I found out below link which is a 3rd party option to play alpha video, I tried to follow the steps...
  2. fermendkis

    iOS How to Get HTTP request JSON

    i build project swift with OAuth and i already got Acces Token from my API Login and then i want get data from API JSon with my acces token. so, how to use OAuth get request http method with OAuth and my acces token i have json parse standar without OAuth let url = NSURL(string...
  3. S

    iOS Sharing photos to Instagram

    Im trying to implement UIActivityViewController to my app, It works correctly. However, I'd like to add Instagram to the options. When searching on the internet, I've seen this reply : "You're able to use UIActivityViewController to show up Instagram as long there is just an UIImage inside the...
  4. J

    iOS Firebase Social Media App

    Hi guys, so far in my app using swift and Xcode, I've created Log in, Sign Up and reset password screens Taking a picture and uploading it to firebase and putting all users onto a database onto firebase Now people can send an image to every registered user, how would I go round making a...
  5. J

    iOS Xcode SIGABRT error code! Quickblox

    Having a bit of a problem with the SIGABRT error code. Basically I am trying to add the quickblox admin panel into my app using Xcode 8 and mainly Swift. I think it came up since putting in the quickblox framework. It says this is the line with the error. 0x14ad36 <+10>: jae 0x14ad46...
  6. S

    iOS Pass GIF from tableView to viewController in Swift

    I have 3 GIFs outside the Assets folder and I'm trying to pass the data from a table view to next view controller. I have two tables, created outlet to UIImageView. ThirdView.swift contains struct: struct ThirdView { var ThirdViewArray = [String]() var Pic = [String]() }...
  7. S

    iOS Pass image from tableView to viewController in Swift

    I have images in Assets folder and Im trying to pass the data from tableView to next viewController.I have two tables, I created outlet to UIImageView. ThirdView.swift contains struct import UIKit struct ThirdView { var ThirdViewArray = [String]() var Pic = [UIImage]() }...
  8. HenSh

    Universal New App

    Hey, I have new app on app store - DevStack What do you think about? The chat looks well?
  9. abcdefg12345

    macOS how to have nswindow vibrant title bar on swift 3

    I'm trying to have a window full translucent window but my code is not working anyone know where i went wrong @IBOutlet weak var visualeffect: NSVisualEffectView! func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) { visualeffect.blendingMode =...
  10. fstigre

    iOS Are there any libraries to implement In-app purchases in iOS - Swift

    I have seen a few online tutorials about in-app purchases and I noticed that they all used different techniques and some of them are incomplete (no restore option, no receipt verification), and since this is a very important process where money is involved I'm afraid to implement my own...
  11. Z

    Swift Playgrounds App Size

    I'm interested in purchasing an iPad and am trying to determine between the 16 or 64 GB sizes. One key app I want is the new Swift Playgrounds app. Are there any developers who have it in the beta who can tell me how big the app is?
  12. C

    iOS AnyObject syntax error

    This is my error, " Argument type 'AnyObject.Protocol' does not conform to expected type 'AnyObject'." I get this error when I insert the following code: var constraint = NSLayoutConstraint(item: AnyObject, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute, relatedBy: NSLayoutRelation, toItem: AnyObject...
  13. C

    iOS Convert swift2 syntax to swift3

    Can someone please help me with a some conversion from swift2 to swift3? Here are the three lines written in swift2 and would like this functioning in swift3: return CGSizeMake(view.frame.width, 80) layout.headerReferenceSize = CGSizeMake(view.frame.width, 50) return...
  14. C

    iOS Parse class not created through swift code

    I am experiencing an issue when I try to create a new parse class through swift. My code for creating a new class is the following: let query = PFQuery(className: "newClass") The issue is that a "newClass" class is not created in my Parse dashboard and I don't get an error message. And since...
  15. M

    Apple’s Software Quality Decline

    Apple’s Software Quality Decline. This is a nice read and the painful truth.
  16. arkmannj

    iOS Classes, Structs & Memory Usage {Noob}

    Hello, I have what I think are 2 simple (noob level) questions. The First Question lets see if I am understanding this correctly. 1) I declare / create 1 Class and 1 Struct 2) Within the Class I Instantiate the Struct 3) Later, all references to the Class are removed 4) Swift removes the...
  17. santoshkc

    iOS Dismissing of UIImagePickerController dismisses presenting view controller also

    Hello, I am working on a project that uses tabbar system. One of the item of tabbar is JobPostingViewController. I Embed it in UINavigationController. There is a UIButton called add new job in this view controller .I implemented pushviewcontroller to go CreateJobPostViewController. There I need...
  18. P

    iOS How can I move a GMSMarker like uber app car object?

    I'm working on a project in which I need to move my GMSMarker on map like uber app does. The problem I'm facing on crossroads were I need to change the heading as well as bearing(rotation) at the end of road. I want my marker should move like: Car first move P1 to vertex point(meeting point)...
  19. BeefCake 15

    Taylor Swift versus YouTube

    Taylor Swift is on a new adventure to take on the Tube!
  20. arkmannj

    iOS Are there any basic REPL apps that run on iOS?

    As I am learning Swift, I find it would be nice if I could practice and run through concepts when I have down time "on-the-go" without my laptop. I know that in Mac OS X (er... OS Mac OS :-p) I can use Playground, and can even use the terminal. Also, I know that Apple is developing...