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macrumors newbie
Feb 28, 2006
Shipping After Payment

Hey guys, I ordered the 1.83 80 GB MBP, and I just got an email verifying payment. From your experience, how long before it ships? My ship date after the upgrade was March 8.

C.J Mac

macrumors member
Feb 3, 2006
tylerpatton84 said:
Hey guys, I ordered the 1.83 80 GB MBP, and I just got an email verifying payment. From your experience, how long before it ships? My ship date after the upgrade was March 8.

Hey Tyler,

I ordered my 1.83 on the 25th of January, and I have a ship date of this Thursday!!!! 2 days too long. LOL.

No, but really it shipped a day before it was supposed to. I was suppose to be shipped today. So no complaints there. I will let you know when I get it.
If you have a ship date of the 8th of March, then you should get a shipping notice around the 6th or 7th of March. Did you get 2 day shipping? Not sure if it makes a difference but I think mine helped a bit; maybe priority wise, but then again who knows.

From what I hear, it will be worth the wait!!:D



macrumors newbie
Feb 28, 2006
Order Shipped

I got an email last night that my MBP shipped!! From what I can tell, it still hasn't left Shanghai yet. The anticipation build . . . .

I have 2 day shipping, so we're probably looking at Monday, right?


macrumors newbie
Mar 1, 2006
Question for March 8th People.....

I ordered Feb 7, 1.83(was 1.67) with upgrade to 1G RAM. Est. Ship date was moved to Mar. 8 after upgrade. My card has not yet been charged and obviously haven't received shipping notice of any kind.

Anyone with Mar. 8 dates been charged and/or shipped yet?


macrumors newbie
Mar 1, 2006
tylerpatton84 said:
Yeah, mine has shipped . . . but it hasn't left Shanghai yet. Did you have two-day?

I did not get two-day shipping. Did you get any upgrades on your machine? Where is yours shipping to? Mine is shipping to Wyoming.


macrumors newbie
Feb 28, 2006
skiermac said:
I did not get two-day shipping. Did you get any upgrades on your machine? Where is yours shipping to? Mine is shipping to Wyoming.

I ordered the one piece 1 GB RAM . . .I talked to the international shipping at FedEx today, and he told me barring any problems in customs, it would be here Friday morning. It's shipping to the StL area, close to the main hub in Indy. I've heard that makes it here sooner. Hope you get it soon! I'll let you know!

C.J Mac

macrumors member
Feb 3, 2006
Congrads Tyler!! Thats great news. I did get the 2 day shipping, so it
will be arriving tomorrow morning before 12:00pm. I didn't have any issues
with customs releasing it so it looks good man. I think the holds were mostly
within the first releases of the product or I have heard a few cases in
Europe, should be good man.
I have to suffer for 4 hrs. because I am working till 4pm but I have someone
to sign for it when it gets here. Thats 30 min. faster than if I had to pick
it up from the Fedex office.

Tic Toc, Tic Toc......I can't believe its almost here. Its only 4hrs. away
from my house.

I will be posting when I get it.



macrumors newbie
Feb 24, 2006
skiermac said:
I did not get two-day shipping. Did you get any upgrades on your machine? Where is yours shipping to? Mine is shipping to Wyoming.
mined is a march 8 shipping with march 15 delivery.only thing that i have noticed so far is that i cannot cancel my order.hope that helps.i cant take waiting,blows blows blows


macrumors newbie
Mar 1, 2006
I purchased a 2.0Ghz from CompUSA, Tampa, Florida last night (Feb. 28th). They had two in stock (just arrived that day). I was the first person to buy one from that store. The purchase was surreal. When the Mac guy brought the box out, several employees stood behind us to get a glimpse.

For those of you jonesing...check your retailers. They're beginning to stock.


macrumors member
Mar 1, 2006
Got mine last Friday from MacConnection

Received mine (2GHZ, ordered as 1.83) with 1GB memory) on 2/24 via DHL - shipped early last week. Per MacConnection, they got an initial shipment of 300 units, most if not all were presold. I ordered mine in late January and was at around 100 on the list. Note that they have no sales tax in California, and are actually offering a rebate (or so they say, we'll see if they honor it) and offer free shipping, so it was the best deal going.

As for the system itself, better than expected. I run MS-Office alot in my work, and performance is good or better than my old 1GHZ 17" Powerbook, and that's with Rosetta emulation to support the MS Office stuff. So far, very stable, and the native apps run like a bat. Battery life appears to be around 3.5-4 Hours, but I'm not sure I've really conditioned the battery properly - didn't really want it to go all the way down to forced sleep.

The thing that was really amazing was how good a job they've done on the upgrade tool. I plugged in my old 17" powerbook in Target Disk Mode, and 2 hours later, all 44 GB of files, software, etc. was copied over, and I was up and running as if I was still on my old machine. MS-Office ran without a hitch, all my bookmarks were preserved in Safari and Netscape, the passwords, etc. on my keychain were intact (although you have to reconfirm access permission on first usage). I thought that I was going to need to reinstall stuff, redo passwords, reset up my networks, etc. Even all the locations were copied over, along with all the IP settings, etc. Pretty cool - my PC-based colleagues were pretty envious - apparently it's a nightmare on Windows XP.

My big issue now is with a PC emulator - I'd been running Virtual PC, but obviously Microsoft is dragging their feet - best bet looks like iEmulator, supposed to ship mid March per their tech support - has anybody tried other alternatives?

Sorry about length of post - lots of stuff to cover,



macrumors newbie
Feb 28, 2006

My MBP just arrived - bad news is that I haven't had time to do ANYTHING with it yet. I have one more class and then a friend and I are going to get some things done on it! So exciting . . . I didn't believe it until I actually touched it. haha. Until next time . . .

Anonymous Freak

macrumors 603
Dec 12, 2002
taylorpohlman said:
My big issue now is with a PC emulator - I'd been running Virtual PC, but obviously Microsoft is dragging their feet - best bet looks like iEmulator, supposed to ship mid March per their tech support - has anybody tried other alternatives?

Well, you have a few options...

There's Bochs, the open-source x86 emulator, which has no native OS X-Intel binary, but that, if you're adventerous, you could try to compile yourself. (I tried and failed, but I'm not much of a UNIX-head.)

Then there's a commercial app based on Bochs that IS OS X-Intel native... OpenOSX's Wintel. (Hrm, looking at their website has me curious... It used to say that it was based on bochs, now it says it's based on qemu, a different open-source emulator.

Or, there's Darwine, a WINDOWS emualtor rather than an x86 emulator. This means that it doesn't emulate the whole PC, just the Windows APIs. This makes it usually MUCH faster than the 'whole PC' emulators, but less compatible. It also means you don't need a valid Windows license. (Humorously, it passes Microsoft's 'Windows Genuine Advantage' tester, even though it doesn't have a single line of Microsoft code.)


macrumors member
Mar 1, 2006
ehurtley said:
Well, you have a few options...

Then there's a commercial app based on Bochs that IS OS X-Intel native... OpenOSX's Wintel. (Hrm, looking at their website has me curious... It used to say that it was based on bochs, now it says it's based on qemu, a different open-source emulator.

Save your money on WinTel from OpenOSX - I ordered, and got the download, they charged my card, but never emailed the password to unlock the code for install - numerous emails not returned, and I've seen other posts that their customer service is terrible. if it worked as advertised, it would be great, but I have no way of knowing. Wine won't work for me, because I need the XP environment to run Groove (complex app with lots of hooks into windows desktop, folders, explorer, etc.).

I also tried Q: and was able to download and execute it, but couldn't get my VPC7 image to load, so haven't been able to really check it out yet - will get a copy of Windows tomorrow and give it a try. What I'm really waiting for is iEmulator, but they're not shipping the intel version yet...

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