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Horitsu Potter

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 2, 2023
Hi, I'm a new member. I have one question. I'm about to buy a mac studio M1 Max and 32GB or 64GB RAM is enough????
I'm using a MacBook Pro Intel with 16GB RAM and I usually have the problem with running out of RAM, even though I only use Xcode and almost 10 safari tabs
I thing I need a 32GB RAM but I'm afraid that it's still not enough....
Ps: sometimes I use VS and this problem happen more often
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macrumors 604
Jan 26, 2014
Horsens, Denmark
Everyone is different. There is no amount that is universally enough for developers. Aside from what else you run beside your editor there’s the snout of ram your own programs take up that can vary wildly. Observe activity monitor and decide based on that.

32gb has been plenty for me at least.


macrumors 6502
Jan 19, 2013
Just got 16 Max m1 with 32gb and 1Tb. This thing is flying compared to my 2018 15 inch i7 with 32gb. xcode builds and canvas is much faster and the best is no heat and no fan noise even when connected to dual 4K monitors. So, you might nor need 32gb but definitely get m1.


macrumors newbie
Jan 16, 2023
I am using 16GB M1 macBook Pro and 32Gb Intel i9 macBook Pro 2018 for development with XCode for C++ and Swift and Rider for C#.

I would say that 16Gb M1 is fine at the moment but on the edge. ( this is my personal machine and I was tight on budget )
With 32Gb model you should be safe for several years.
64Gb is not necessary at this point IMHO but it depends your budget and on complexity of your projects.


macrumors regular
Oct 18, 2021
32gb should be great unless you have any art intensive loads (high res 3d models/textures, etc).

I have an M1 Max with 64gb and honestly it’s overkill even doing heavy art loads + dev. I could have blender, photoshop, 50 tabs in safari, Unity, music, vscode and Xcode and I’m not using it all. The only time I’ve maxed it out is trying to play Warcraft 3 Reforged in 4k on Ultra graphics settings
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