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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 31, 2007
I'm looking if anyone knows of a Mac App that can do that :

I'm a teacher. I would like to have student answer "multiple choice answer" quiz on a sheet of paper and then have an app that could automatically grade the answer sheet based on a PDF scan I would have made from these answers . (or simply analyze the picture on my mac and give me the result.)

(I know multiple apps exist that let you use your phone camera to auto grade, but I do not want that. It's long and tedious. I have access to a photocopier that let me put a pile of paper and scan them and create a PDF out of them. So it take me like 1 minute to simply get a PDF with all the answer sheets. Having to manually scan them one by one with the phone camera is a huge waste of time compared to this.)
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