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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Sep 2, 2013
North Vancouver
El Cap to Yosemite - have about 4000 contacts that I have groups for example ( USA, Canada, Germany, etc) or Manufacturer / Distributor.

All groups have worked well from 2002 till now - El cap only shows
All iCloud
All on my Mac
Last Import
Does not show any custom groups created over the past 10 years.

I can still see the groups on iPhone and iPad - both on iOS9 - so seems to be a El Cap issue.

Anyone else ?


macrumors newbie
Oct 4, 2015
I have a quite similar problem after the update
* the groups do not sync (ok on iOS 9 devices, not shown on El Capitan)
* Only about 15% of all contacts are showing on El Capitan's Contacts app, although all contacts can be found by spotlight.

Any solutions on this already available?


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Sep 2, 2013
North Vancouver
Not sure if this will help - I lost some contacts when I did the upgrade on an earlier El Cap beta. Check to see that the number of contacts is the same on your mac as the iCloud version ( scroll to bottom of contacts for total)

Here is how I got my groups working ( everything works fine now)
I logged into via web browser and made sure the cloud had the same groups selected. Dragged the contacts back to the same groups ( just to be sure groups were current and updated on iCloud). then I signed out of contacts on the Mac ( iCloud settings / preferences) this deleted my contacts and I signed back in to sync the iCloud version to the Mac.

If you have more contacts on your mac than on iCloud ( like I did) you will lose them. Strongly suggest a back up of your Mac version of contacts before doing anything.
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macrumors newbie
Oct 4, 2015
Thank you for the info, but this didn't change much.
After I signed back the sync stated, but this time it only synced 5% of all contacts in iCloud to the Mac.
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