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macrumors 603
Aug 28, 2013
Los Angeles, USA
This is great news for everyone. Decisions like this enable Apple to continue driving their innovation at home, and helps them reward hard-working Americans with some of the best career opportunities in America. Apple deserves as much assistance as possible to continue leading the way.


macrumors 601
The way communities whore them selves like this....So what corporations basically say is that they want to use all the local infrastructure and not have to pay for everyone else's taxes go up to compensate. Sure, they bring in some what. All communities should just say no. What will happen, corps not build new plants?

That's not how it works. Companies shop around to see where they can get the most favorable deals to set up manufacturing/distribution. And as long as economically challenged/depressed communities are anxious to attract these businesses, deals will be made, and pots will be sweetened.

It's unfair to blame companies for doing this, and it's not all that different from what free-agent athletes do.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 26, 2010
In before the pro-IRS crowd complains about big companies getting tax breaks. If you create hundreds of jobs in my state I would gladly vote on it!

Yet all those small businesses that create more jobs on a smaller individual scale should subsidize this?

That's not how it works. Companies shop around to see where they can get the most favorable deals to set up manufacturing/distribution. And as long as economically challenged/depressed communities are anxious to attract these businesses, deals will be made, and pots will be sweetened.

It's unfair to blame companies for doing this, and it's not all that different from what free-agent athletes do.

But it is fair to blame communities for this. This behavior is a race to the bottom.


macrumors member
Aug 25, 2008
This is just stupid.

Apple should be producing everything in the United States - and it's the United States governments fault for not acting quick enough when these technology companies started shifting production to Asia and beyond. It's not political, it's moral and ethics we're talking here and it's the fault of whose at the top of both Apple and the US government.

I'm going to assume you understand economics, finance, and international business.

People are constantly complaining about the apple tax already (ie. Price apple charges for anything apple). So imagine shifting those low cost productions where modern slavery in these countries pay as little as a dollar per hour vs minimal wage in US, and let's assume apple wishes to maintain the same profit margin to keep share holders happy; how much do you think apple products will cost if all made in US?

Who's going to want to pay at least 3000 for iPod touch? You?


macrumors 6502
Aug 15, 2013
In my own world
In before the pro-IRS crowd complains about big companies getting tax breaks. If you create hundreds of jobs in my state I would gladly vote on it!

Quite funny though especially on here. The forum user base seems to be predominantly liberal democrat and this is the side that usually complains about huge businesses getting tax breaks. Except when it comes to Apple, since it is a magical huge corporation.


macrumors 6502
Jul 15, 2007
this is ridiculous! Every small company has to pay full taxes yet those large corporations with billions of profits get tax cuts.... all while even the (considered) rich countries are drowning in debt.

Screw the politicians that make this possible!

Apple are funding another company to build the glass for them.

Of course they need a tax break to do as such.

Small companies should pay tax as well as large. But one day some small companies will become big companies and they shouldn't have to keep paying the same rates of tax. It doesn't scale.


macrumors 6502
Jul 15, 2007
I have dual citizenship and live in the country with higher taxes, so I guess I do.

Norway has around a 10% higher personal income tax rate than the US.

That may appear bad on the surface. But what the government gives back that country is truly astounding. Leveling wages for low income jobs, 6 month paid sabbaticals to chase a dream, 2 years of maternity leave (paid).

It’s a more socialist approach to taxation that would never work in the US. But it show that higher taxes are not always a bad thing.

Now in saying that. They do have an abnormally high suicide rate. But I think that’s the daylight/darkness thing.


macrumors 68030
Jun 11, 2007
Good? So the homeowners in the area get stuck with the bill instead of a trillion dollar corporation? You obviously don't own a home or just don't care.

As many stated earlier, tax breaks for companies creating jobs is common. Didn't Obama run on a platform he wants to help out companies that bring jobs to US soil? That's what seems to be happening here with the new facility.

Bubba Satori

Feb 15, 2008
This is great news for everyone. Decisions like this enable Apple to continue driving their innovation at home, and helps them reward hard-working Americans with some of the best career opportunities in America. Apple deserves as much assistance as possible to continue leading the way.

Hi Tim.


macrumors 6502
Sep 20, 2012
Next time they'll be asking for a job break, to employ Chinese people in the facility.
And then a salary break so they don't have to pay employees.
And then a sales break so people have to pay for their products but AAPL doesn't have to deliver them to buyers...


macrumors 6502
Aug 11, 2011
Scottsdale, AZ
As someone who lives about 15 mines away and sees property tax rises of 40% per year, back to back at times and schools whining endlessly for budget overrides, some of this tax break bothers me. It's not Apple's fault or Sumitomo's or Intel's. It's not the fault of Nordstrom or Neiman-Marcus, either. They all are effectively paid to be here and Apple was be crazy not to take advantage of the culture of desperation our "leaders" have created. Anyone from out of state can get a big tax break and a check because we know strip malls don't build themselves. A local business is out of luck though. This culture of giving away the farm (literally) is of our doing and I can't blame any company for taking advantage of it - and now we're stuck with it.


macrumors member
Aug 11, 2010
We've got to start trying to compete with the China's of the world, guys.

I'm old enough to remember when China was scrambling to compete with us. It's a pity that now we are urged to lower our wages, reduce regulation and overlook environmental effects so we can "compete with China." In essence we are being urged to become China.


macrumors regular
Nov 13, 2009
I'm going to assume you understand economics, finance, and international business.

People are constantly complaining about the apple tax already (ie. Price apple charges for anything apple). So imagine shifting those low cost productions where modern slavery in these countries pay as little as a dollar per hour vs minimal wage in US, and let's assume apple wishes to maintain the same profit margin to keep share holders happy; how much do you think apple products will cost if all made in US?

Who's going to want to pay at least 3000 for iPod touch? You?

An iPod touch wouldn't cost much more. Apple's profit margin wouldn't be as large and upper mgmt couldn't give themselves untold millions.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 22, 2003
This is just stupid.

I'm all for private companies making profits and such - but why do Apple really need tax breaks when they have over $100 billion in the bank?

It's especially the case with the income and distribution of wealth. Apple looks for tax breaks yet those working in the lowest wage (probably doing the most work than some top paid execs) paying departments producing Apple products in factories can barely afford to live.

Apple should be producing everything in the United States - and it's the United States governments fault for not acting quick enough when these technology companies started shifting production to Asia and beyond. It's not political, it's moral and ethics we're talking here and it's the fault of whose at the top of both Apple and the US government.

Because the shareholders appreciate it.


Sure, they bring in some what. All communities should just say no. What will happen, corps not build new plants?

"Some" jobs.

The city councils say no, and they get voted out the next election because they sent away jobs for the community.


Those 700 permanent jobs will all be taxed... permanently. The temporary 2,000 will be taxed as well. All of those people are buying things locally (sales tax), renting or buying properties (property tax), etc. Then everyone that services those workers will see business increase as well, thus more taxes and wages.

This will be a net benefit for the community, and is worth it. We've got to start trying to compete with the China's of the world, guys.



Sep 23, 2013
Upstate, NY
Apple is a business. Not a charity. Their goal is to maximize profits for their shareholders.

Who care aabout shareholders? Public company ownership SUCKS. It creates a huge conflict of interest between employees and the shareholders. I just hate it. Im old fashoined: One guy ownss the company and trates the staff like family. They work hard for him, he takes care of them. Perfect.

Now, its everyone hating on each other and a race to the bottom. :mad:


I'm going to assume you understand economics, finance, and international business.

People are constantly complaining about the apple tax already (ie. Price apple charges for anything apple). So imagine shifting those low cost productions where modern slavery in these countries pay as little as a dollar per hour vs minimal wage in US, and let's assume apple wishes to maintain the same profit margin to keep share holders happy; how much do you think apple products will cost if all made in US?

Who's going to want to pay at least 3000 for iPod touch? You?

Yeah - tha typical argument. How about this instead: Apple charges the same for the devices and "gets by" on eleventy trillion billion in profit instead of 14 trillion billion million in profit and pays people living wages in the USA with a few benefits? Oh wait - some jackwad shareholder wouldnt like it. Awe - too bad.

Sound good?


macrumors 6502a
Jan 22, 2003
this is how apple has billions and billions in their bank account. same way with all the riches people that pay less in tax break leaving all the middle class like myself paying for all the hefty tax.

How much federal tax did you pay last year?


macrumors 6502a
Jan 22, 2003
How nice.

If you are one of the richest corporations in the world, you get major tax breaks.

If you are a small business, you get slammed with taxes and effectively have to pay to support Apple's tax breaks (because the money has to come from somewhere).

The whole system is screwed up.

What taxes does your small business get slammed with?


macrumors 6502
Sep 7, 2010
That is the lie people do not understand. Since the early 80's there has been an emergence of consulting companies that help other companies determine the maximum price they can charge consumers. There no longer is a standard formula companies use to sell their products bases off of raw material costs and labor. These lower taxes are nothing more than a transfer of wealth to the top.

Well just buy some AAPL and you can be part of "the top" as well!

Apple is a company - in the end it just transfers profit to whoever the owners are. Everyone can have a piece of the pie when it comes to most of these billion dollar corporations, so just go get some shares!


macrumors 65816
May 2, 2006
Simi Valley, CA
Who care aabout shareholders? Public company ownership SUCKS. It creates a huge conflict of interest between employees and the shareholders. I just hate it. Im old fashoined: One guy ownss the company and trates the staff like family. They work hard for him, he takes care of them. Perfect.

How old fashioned are you? The reason that I ask this is because the stock market has been around for like, oh, I don't know....A HUNDRED YEARS. Even Ford became publicly traded in the 50's. This is society.


macrumors 68000
Oct 27, 2003
Small businesses collectively create plenty of jobs, but none of them get any tax breaks. It's not fair. They should make it cheaper for all corporations... which includes getting rid of this socialist new healthcare mess that targets small businesses owners and successful investors extremely disproportionately.

Oh dear, the hypocrisy is so rich I need to go get a glass of milk. You want all corporations to be treated perfectly evenly, despite their economic impact, while at the same time wanting to get rid of socialist ideas? The reason Apple is treated better than a tiny business is because of economic principles. Apple moving in provides the state more money, even after a tax break. That's a capitalist desicion to the core. Caring about some tiny little do-nothing-financially mom and pop shop is sad, but that's capitalism baby. If you want everyone to get taxed "evenly" than you are shooting for a socialist society.

Of course, America is split pretty evenly on the socialism/capitalism front, which is why a bunch of the things you enjoy on a daily basis start with the word "public", like roads and parks, and it's the reason the Fire Department doesn't send you a bill. Personally, I find it a nice mix. And I find anyone that thinks we are treading on socialist ground for the first time is crazy or doesn't understand the words they use.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 29, 2013
If you want everyone to get taxed "evenly" than you are shooting for a socialist society.

No, that is not at all how socialism works. Socialism works by taxing the rich extra. In the U.S. there is some of that, tax tiers for individuals ranging from no income tax to massive income tax based on income level. No, I don't want to get rid of socialism, just Obamacare.

But then it's the opposite for corporations, where they're taxed a higher percentage for being smaller and a lower percentage for being bigger. If anything, small corporations just getting off their feet should get a LOWER tax rate to encourage growth, or at least an equal rate for every corporation. But no, Arizona gives Apple specifically an exception. Not that Apple is to blame for taking such a sweet deal.
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