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macrumors 65816
Feb 7, 2007
I might be wrong of course but I’m pretty sure that I’ve used cash on eBay. I’m also pretty sure that I have two credit cards on file with PP and NO bank accounts at all.

In order to sell on Ebay, adding a bank account to your Paypal account is required. This allows Ebay to seize money from you legally should your Ebay account get into arrears or trouble.

Once again, it's important to remember that Paypal is NOT a bank however and therefor not governed by Federal banking laws, but by agreeing to their terms, they can seize money from your bank account. With credit cards you can dispute charges. With direct money transfers, you're putting yourself at risk adding direct access to your bank accounts.

As for using cash on Ebay, well, yes, there are ways to do it, but you lose almost all forms of both buyer and seller protections. Ebay does this because the companies are one and the same and that worries enough people to make Ebay/Paypal more money in fees in exchange for the protections, many of which have so many exclusions, they're basically a joke anyway.


macrumors newbie
Oct 1, 2014
cancelled paypal

just cancelled my paypal account because they sided with samsung i know it sounds childish but i am sick of samsung and i do not want to give them my business or anyone else's, samsung has blatantly copied apple way to long g5 looks like iPhone 5s and then the finger print scanner etc. i want no part of them
Last edited:


macrumors 68030
Mar 25, 2011
So anyone who doesn't use NFC via iPhone they won't do business with? I find that difficult to believe.
The point is the current implementation of NFC in the United states is hardly used. Android phones should have taken off. Apple is going to make NFC cool:cool: and more secure via :apple:Pay Android users will benefit also

Black Belt

macrumors 65816
Jun 15, 2007
Paypal is a Kluge

Paypal is widespread but it is a kluge at best. The wild machinations that have to be gone through to buy something is ridiculous. Apple Pay will be similar to Amazon One Click but EVERYWHERE and it is far more secure.


macrumors newbie
Apr 14, 2011
The problem is that Apple has not shown any intention to offer apple pay for non-apple devices - a basic fact that it would need to consider if it has ambitions of becoming the worldwide leader in online and in-store payments. I don't see apple having such ambitions so for them they will most likely target a high utilization rate for apple pay from their millions of iPhone customers going forward and if that is achieved they'd be happy.

Apple cannot offer ApplePay to other phone vendors because the encryption and unique security of the process is hardware based in the SoC secure enclave, not software. No other manufacturer is capable of using ApplePay, even if Apple were inclined to share it.


macrumors member
Oct 31, 2007
Good for Apple. I'm actually quite glad that Apple Pay is *not* going to be connected to the most incompetent financial institution it's ever been my displeasure to have to use. I've long been bewildered by how Paypal manages to stay in business, given how poorly coded their site is. Apple NOT having Paypal is a strong selling point for Apple Pay to me.

While part of me strongly wishes this to be one of the nails in Paypal's coffin, there are sadly enough people out there who are unaware of just how incompetent they are, that we're probably stuck with it for years to come.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 24, 2013
Apple cannot offer ApplePay to other phone vendors because the encryption and unique security of the process is hardware based in the SoC secure enclave, not software. No other manufacturer is capable of using ApplePay, even if Apple were inclined to share it.

That is precisely my point. Because apple is limiting itself to its own devices it is also limiting its penetration and the global market share in the payment services sector is concerned. So if apple does not surpass paypal in 2, 3 or 5 years its because apple and paypal are not direct competitors.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2010
This makes me want to switch to a Samsung phone.

I have been using paypal for over 10 years and have never had a problem with them.


macrumors 6502
Aug 27, 2014
I wonder how many of the PayPal bashers in this thread would be singing their praises if the had signed an agreement that Apple originally wanted to make?

The same people saying how evil PayPal is would be singing their praises.

So, so predictable....

When I talk about PayPal, I'm referring to how some INTERNET web sites have PayPal as the only payment form. I would rather just input my credit card into a secure method than going through PayPal.

Now, in terms of retail stores, that's different because it's a brick and mortar, we typically just hand them our CC and they swipe the card.

I wouldn't use PayPal if I wasn't forced to use, but with some internet websites, they force you to use it. I've used it and it sucks. I had to deal with some loser from India that hacked my password, bought a $9 t shirt on my account, but I caught it and it got reversed a few days later. It was an inconvenience for me to deal with the issue which under normal circumstances, isn't as insecure.


Does it matter what Steve Jobs would have done? Probably not anymore. Even if we were able to tell with certainty: which we can't ever.

Didn't Jobs write down a 5 year strategy before he passed away? I would love to see what he wrote someday and compare against what they actually did. That would be an interesting little nugget of information.

Maybe some time in the future they'll release the document he left behind.


That is precisely my point. Because apple is limiting itself to its own devices it is also limiting its penetration and the global market share in the payment services sector is concerned. So if apple does not surpass paypal in 2, 3 or 5 years its because apple and paypal are not direct competitors.

ApplePay is just a service that Apple's just offering to Apple customers as a secure way to make NFC payments because they obviously feel that the other methods aren't as secure and they might pass user account information to the retailer.

If Apple actually makes any money from it, it's probably just enough to recoup the R&D they spent on creating it. It's not like they are getting 3% of the retail price you are paying.


macrumors 65816
Mar 2, 2012
Seattle, WA
People are complaining that Paypal is hard to use but then they own an iPhone. :eek:

I bet if it was called Papple it would be awesome!


macrumors member
Mar 20, 2014
It's a matter of quality

I will start by saying that I have nothing against Samsung and I am no Apple fanboy.
So please people let's be grown up about this and refrain from the usual name calling or Isheep labels

I think that Paypal is an awful service to use. I have used it many times in the past for a variety of reasons and I have had nothing but heartache and problems. Their customer service was just about non existent, their willingness to admit that anything wrong had happened on their end was not forth coming and as for the endless nightmares and stress I suffered just to send money was never ending it seemed.

Now I know that there will be many people who love Paypal and Samsung and many people who will hate Apple. I though think that from my research Paypal delivers very little in quality and is only as well known or as successful as it has been due to Ebay.
The security of Paypal not to mention the loopholes that allow non scrupulous people to defraud Paypal or users of Paypal is pathetic. Apple Pay is as secure a payment service as you can get right now. There will be a way to hack it it just will be so difficult and so expensive right now that it will be not worth doing.
For me and I suspect for many people this will be a real peace of mind.

One thing Apple tends to do well is deliver a product or service well. Apple pay is secure, quick, private and will take off in the USA and in Europe as well as other parts of the world. it may take a couple of years or so but it will take off.
lets look at why

Firstly Apple has a good reputation (mostly) for delivering products/services with a high degree of quality.

Developers will create new apps for the App store as well as updating existing ones to use Apple Pay.

This will encourage websites to use Apple Pay knowing it is secure.

Over 100 million Itunes account holders(many with credit cards attached) will be able to quickly and easily add their credit/debit cards that are on Itunes, so many will

Not much is needed to update the tills at a brick and mortar store to accept Apple Pay

These sorts of reasons mean that Apple pay will take off and Paypal will start to decline, particularly once they split from Ebay.

Then if Apple Pay inks a deal with Ebay that will be a major blow to Paypal/Samsung and we have not even touched upon the fact that the Samsung fingerprint reader is easier far easier to crack than Apple's Touch id

People will still be able to use Paypal or Google Wallet etc if they wish to, Apple pay will just be another choice.

As for me I will choose Apple Pay because it will be better than Paypal and certainly far less headaches


macrumors 68000
Mar 13, 2006
I will start by saying that I have nothing against Samsung and I am no Apple fanboy.
So please people let's be grown up about this and refrain from the usual name calling or Isheep labels

I think that Paypal is an awful service to use. I have used it many times in the past for a variety of reasons and I have had nothing but heartache and problems. Their customer service was just about non existent, their willingness to admit that anything wrong had happened on their end was not forth coming and as for the endless nightmares and stress I suffered just to send money was never ending it seemed.

Now I know that there will be many people who love Paypal and Samsung and many people who will hate Apple. I though think that from my research Paypal delivers very little in quality and is only as well known or as successful as it has been due to Ebay.
The security of Paypal not to mention the loopholes that allow non scrupulous people to defraud Paypal or users of Paypal is pathetic. Apple Pay is as secure a payment service as you can get right now. There will be a way to hack it it just will be so difficult and so expensive right now that it will be not worth doing.
For me and I suspect for many people this will be a real peace of mind.

One thing Apple tends to do well is deliver a product or service well. Apple pay is secure, quick, private and will take off in the USA and in Europe as well as other parts of the world. it may take a couple of years or so but it will take off.
lets look at why

Firstly Apple has a good reputation (mostly) for delivering products/services with a high degree of quality.

Developers will create new apps for the App store as well as updating existing ones to use Apple Pay.

This will encourage websites to use Apple Pay knowing it is secure.

Over 100 million Itunes account holders(many with credit cards attached) will be able to quickly and easily add their credit/debit cards that are on Itunes, so many will

Not much is needed to update the tills at a brick and mortar store to accept Apple Pay

These sorts of reasons mean that Apple pay will take off and Paypal will start to decline, particularly once they split from Ebay.

Then if Apple Pay inks a deal with Ebay that will be a major blow to Paypal/Samsung and we have not even touched upon the fact that the Samsung fingerprint reader is easier far easier to crack than Apple's Touch id

People will still be able to use Paypal or Google Wallet etc if they wish to, Apple pay will just be another choice.

As for me I will choose Apple Pay because it will be better than Paypal and certainly far less headaches

i use paypal a few times a year and never really had any issues.

but to assume that apple pay will automatically be better. sorry i dont get that. with all the recent news regarding apple software, the fact you cant even merge itunes ids and your balance has to be wiped if you change itunes country does not fill me with any confidence.

but always interesting to see how companies can become almost hated when they arent endorsed by apple. free will.


macrumors 65816
Sep 11, 2006
just cancelled my paypal account because they sided with samsung i know it sounds childish but i am sick of samsung and i do not want to give them my business or anyone else's, samsung has blatantly copied apple way to long g5 looks like iPhone 5s and then the finger print scanner etc. i want no part of them

You should probably not buy the iPhone then as Samsung is supplying some of the chips for that as well.

Not to mention they all copy, thing Apple copied from Google:

Third Party Keyboards
Activate Siri with voice "Hey Siri" instead of "Ok Google"
Video Demo of Apps in the App store

That is just off the top of my head and just iOS 8. So lets not pretend that Apple is that pure.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 18, 2014
I don't like your new friend so now I'm not gonna play with you anymore... grow up Apple.
I'm taking my toys and going home:(


Poor Paypal. I hope you learn a tough lesson by dealing with Korea instead of your American counterparts.
I'm pretty sure Apple is still dealing with Samsung(Korea) to make their screens.


just cancelled my paypal account because they sided with samsung i know it sounds childish but i am sick of samsung and i do not want to give them my business or anyone else's, samsung has blatantly copied apple way to long g5 looks like iPhone 5s and then the finger print scanner etc. i want no part of them
You'd better stop buying Apple products then, because I'm pretty sure Samsung still makes a lot of parts for Apple.

You're probably just being sarcastic.


macrumors P6
He's not wrong. As has been proven by many studies, iPhone owners spend while Android owners do not.

iOS TABLET owners do more online purchasing.

On PHONES (not tablets), Android and iOS purchases average about the same amount.

In the US, iOS is slightly higher (~ $118 vs $101). In other countries (such as the UK), Android is slightly higher (~ $120 vs $102).

just cancelled my paypal account because they sided with samsung ...

PayPal didn't "side" with Samsung. They simply did an app that used the Samsung fingerprint reader.

Most people would think that it should be okay for a major company to do apps for more than one system.

It should not have caused Apple to stop working with them on other things that impact a lot of users.

After reading that article, all I can think of is cutting off your nose to spite your face. I see apple making a mistake by excluding Paypal.

Especially since something like 1/6th of all online payments go through PayPal.


macrumors 65816
Feb 7, 2007
I don't care what race or religion you are, but every time I've had a problem with Ebay/Paypal (since they act in unison), the call center was in Utah. Just say dammit or hell and the Mormons hang up on you.

They took money from my Paypal account once by reversing a transaction with someone without that person even filing a complaint against me. Why? Because his Paypal account was in trouble and he owed them money, not me. So I didn't get paid. Paypal seized the money instead illegally technically. But I'd have to sue them. It wasn't worth suing for $20.

Apple would never pull stunts like the above. I bet ApplePay quickly puts Paypal out of business. Their being in bed with Ebay literally makes them inherently crooked. There's pages and pages of Paypal attack sites. Just google it. Apple would never do such a bad job to allow that to happen.


macrumors 6502
Sep 12, 2014
I have used Paypal for years and years since I buy quite a few things from Ebay. I collect... things, and Ebay is the number one market place for those things.

Never had any issues with Paypal, but then again I do not have huge amounts of money on my account there.

Thanks for your input. It's great to hear from someone who has no other payment choice (buying through Ebay) and who doesn't really use PayPal for anything else or keep much money in the account.
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