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macrumors newbie
Apr 27, 2004
Barcelona, Spain
I travel extensively throughout Western Europe and have always noticed that there's a big difference in the relative number of Macs you see between different countries, Spain being one of those countries where Apple would appear to have a good customer base. Therefore, irrespective of size of economy etc, I can see why Apple would see this is a good move. That said, I'm surprised they didn't go for Barcelona rather than Madrid, Barcelona being considered one of the design centres of Europe and full of the architecture and young, trendy designer people that Apple loves to associate itself with.

Apple already has a store in Barcelona:


macrumors 6502a
Sep 10, 2003
I don't live in Spain but I've spent a month there every year for over a decade, and I can tell you, at least in my personal experience in Madrid, there has been a dramatic change in attitudes about Apple products.

When I first started trying to connect to the internet via Telefonica and other providers, they reacted as if I were using alien technology because I was on a Mac. Not true anymore. Now everyone in Spain seems to be using Apple gear.

It's interesting that they're putting the store in a location in Puerta del Sol that's been all over the news today, as the site of young people protesting in part because there are no jobs.

As another person wisely pointed out, young people may lack jobs, and their own apartments, but many still seem to be buying Apple products.

And I totally agree that Spain's 20% unemployment is not at all equivalent to our own figures, because our country doesn't include for instance people who have been looking for a job for more than a year or so.

Another thing to remember is that even though European economies and banks are hurting, they are still regulated in ways that make them much less prone to evaporate. The U.S. hasn't really done anything substantial to change the rules that led to our financial debacle, at least not yet.

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