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macrumors 68000
Nov 29, 2009
A lot of "4K" screens have HORRIBLE quality. Resolution doesn't change the fact that many of these are terrible panels and even a low end 720P plasma (if anyone still makes them) will crush them in every meaningful ways. Actually, there is no real LCD/LED which has plasma quality so we are stuck with horrible quality until OLED prices go down and the longevity of those panels increase (especially for the blue color). Seemingly takes longer than it did for LCDs prices to go down.

The reason they stopped doing plasma is not quality, but production costs for manufacturers (their profit margins were too low). Anyone who has seen a top end plasma next to a top end LCD will pick the plasma EVERY TIME.

OLED is beautiful. I saw the Best Buy demo of the LG 55" and it looked way better than any of the 4k panels.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 11, 2012
Why in the world would anyone pay for ABC, CBS and Fox when a cheap HDTV antenna can pick those up for free. I really don't get this. Then again, it IS just a rumor.


macrumors regular
Jan 30, 2009
NBC will get on board, they can't be the only ones out of this.

They most certainly won't, I doubt anything owned by Comcast is going to participate with sling, or Apple, or anyone else without paying 2 arms and a leg. It's Comcast.


macrumors 601
May 28, 2008
Who wants to bet that Comcast will block the service because of further study on impact on their network?


macrumors regular
Jan 30, 2009
Why in the world would anyone pay for ABC, CBS and Fox when a cheap HDTV antenna can pick those up for free. I really don't get this. Then again, it IS just a rumor.

There's plenty of people who leave where a cheap HDTV antenna can't pick up those channels. I live 40 miles outside of Seattle (and 15 out of Tacoma, a mid sized city) Washington and can pick up nothing outside of one PBS and ION with multiple attempts with cheap ($40 or less) HDTV antennas. If I wanted to watch those channels (which I rarely do anyway) I'd have to either use a $100+ antenna solution or cable/satellite.


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
This will never appear in the UK.

And if this is true, whilst cool, I would hardly call following a business model setup by others as 'cracking it'.

But I do use Netflix and my new Amazon Fire TV an awful lot, IMO these companies should offer their channels in HD streaming BUT they should not be exclusive to one platform.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 27, 2012
WNY or Utica
This, like many things in life, is pretty ambiguous. Bundled TV? A la carte? I mean what is it? Live TV?

It seems right but then again it doesn't for some reason.

You know what Apple should do IMO? Go through with this, but then buy YouTube from Google from ~$10-50bn dollars. With all the content there surely they could provide an even greater TV experience.


macrumors G5
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
so wait, $30-$40 a month for what I can get right now, for free, over the air, in HD, with an antenna? This does not sound appealing to me

Presumably old episodes/on demand is included. Also, not everyone can get everything with an antenna. I live near a major city (SF) but cannot get 2 of the 4 major networks, even with a good antenna, because of surrounding topography.

That said, this seems too expensive if there is no NBC.


macrumors 6502
Oct 5, 2012
So many naysayers out of a rumored article that won't even come to fruition for another half a year, if at all.
It's almost as if Apple came out and said it themselves and lots to judge and declare if you will or won't use the service.

Not saying I'm all in but not saying I'm all out either till the official word and details are released.


macrumors newbie
Jan 25, 2014
Why in the world would anyone pay for ABC, CBS and Fox when a cheap HDTV antenna can pick those up for free. I really don't get this. Then again, it IS just a rumor.

I've been with over the air antenna since November and while nice in theory the stations frequently don't come in based on the weather or whatever disrupts over the air. I remember watching the NHL outdoor game on NBC this past New Year's Day and I had the keep my finger on the antenna cord in order to get constant reception. So yes in theory antennas make sense but they don't always work based on where you live.

Pack Leader

macrumors newbie
Feb 14, 2015
Did anyone else notice how many times Cook stressed, "This is only the beginning" when referring to the HBO deal on Apple TV at their last event?


Jul 31, 2011
The reason they stopped doing plasma is not quality, but production costs for manufacturers (their profit margins were too low). Anyone who has seen a top end plasma next to a top end LCD will pick the plasma EVERY TIME.

Until they realize that plasma won't work outside of Denver.


macrumors 6502
Feb 6, 2008
I've been with over the air antenna since November and while nice in theory the stations frequently don't come in based on the weather or whatever disrupts over the air. I remember watching the NHL outdoor game on NBC this past New Year's Day and I had the keep my finger on the antenna cord in order to get constant reception. So yes in theory antennas make sense but they don't always work based on where you live.

Put some aluminium foil on the rabbit ears next time.


macrumors 68040
Apr 2, 2007
It always feels like Apple doesn't go full steam ahead with some of these new ventures. For example.

Time Machine. Only does local backups, doesn't compete with Crashplan, Backblaze etc

iCloud. Took them ages to introduce iCloud Drive, Dropbox were there 2-3 years before this innovation and iCloud still lacks features, no Android version either but they do have a Windows version.

Music Streaming. They bring us iCloud Streaming but it's just streaming you the library of songs you already bought. Doesn't compete with Spotify.

Siri. They innovated with a real speech to text assistant that works but Google leapfrogs them with Google Now and for the past two years Siri has languished. It could really do with having hundreds of new features.

Then finally and the topic of this discussion, TV Streaming. They've had the Apple TV for over 6 or 7 years now and while competitors like Netflix, Amazon and Yahoo are creating original programming Apple is instead chasing the same old network television people are moving away from.

Now of course Netflix and Amazon have Network content. But they don't give you a live feed of the channels that content is from. People don't want that. What people want is the ability to watch the show they enjoy any time they want at their convenience and they don't want to wait 7 days between episodes either.

I really feel like Apple spreads themselves too thin sometimes. They like to talk a lot about focus in their keynotes and how for every 100 ideas there are 99 no's before they get that one great idea.

But the truth is they enter a lot of segments because they have to and not because they want to. They want to sell iPods, iPhones, iPads, Apple TV's and so they had to make a good voice assistant, backup service, cloud service, music store, television and video store etc

I don't feel like their heart is really in these services they are just a means to an end to support the products they are interested in. I really feel something has to change too because if you look at these things, streaming video, streaming music, iCloud etc these are the things that Apple gets criticised on way more than their physical products like the iPhone. This peripheral vision approach to the ecosystems they create around their products just to keep up with the competition isn't working out well enough.


macrumors newbie
Mar 5, 2015
No Comcast, Big Problem for Sports Fans

The biggest challenge I see for me and other sports fans is that Comcast will not join in.

I'll give you my example (which is common for others in big cities where Comcast (and now NBC Sports) have locked up the local sports scene). I live in Philadelphia and I am a huge sports fan. In fact about the only TV I watch is sports. In Philadelphia (and I assume in other markets with the Comcast SportsNet brand), the games for hockey, baseball, basketball and soccer are mostly, if not entirely broadcast on the the local Comcast SportsNet channel. Local blackout rules for baseball, hockey and basketball (I have no idea about soccer) preclude streaming services from showing those games over the internet. I couldn't even watch the local games on MLB direct and the other services for basketball and hockey due to local blackout rules.

So now, if I want to get TV only through Apple and cut the cord so to speak, I lose Comcast SportsNet Philly. I then lose the only thing I watch on TV; sports.

I know that this is a bit selfish, but I don't think I'm alone in stating that sports are my main shows that I watch. Also, right now sports are a big moneymaker since advertisers know that they actually have eyeballs on the screen during live sports. Others may not care if they lose their sports, but I do and I know that Comcast is not going to give this up. So with that, while I'd love to leave Comcast, me and other sports fans are stuck with the cord (around our necks).


macrumors member
Apr 3, 2007
Not another bundle

If all this really is just another bundle of 25 channels chosen by somebody else and packaged for $40/mo I’m not interested. I’ve got to think Apple has a smarter plan than that.


macrumors 68040
Nov 10, 2007
Out of the Reach of the FBI
So why would I want this over DirecTV? It seems like nothing more than s slimmed down cable package.

It's a beginning. You bust a dam not with a torrent, but with a trickle. Once Apple gets something going the bricks will begin to fall out of the foundation that is big cable. True competition will ensue.

Die, Comcast. Die.


macrumors newbie
Mar 16, 2015
The TV content should be free.

Why would anyone pay $30-40 a month for content that is free via digital antenna. It is useless, Apple should negotiate with content providers to provide content for free and increase their ad base through Apple TV customers.


macrumors 6502
Jul 23, 2002
Call me when i can buy sports channels of the 1 team i want to watch for $50 a season. NHL NFL, MLB!
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