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macrumors 603
Oct 29, 2006
~119W 34N
Wow - very surprised!

Apple has rarely back-paddled, but it has a few times. I'm fairly convinced the public seed Feedback reports of the discoveryd bug had helped make this one happen.


macrumors 68030
May 20, 2011
I'm curious why they scrapped mDNSresponder to begin with. They must have had a good reason for creating a new network managing system. Obviously, that didn't work out. But Apple rarely backpedals for long. This is probably a temporary fix until they figure out the problem.

I'm willing to bet they have a more stable version for 10.11 release and they rather not deal with the bug fixes for 10.10 anymore. Or 10.10.5 will have it resolved.

Its unlikely Apple is scraping the project if there was a reason why they switched to begin with.

I'm wiling to bet this discoveryd has something that is required for the new Apple TV (HomeKit hub) that helps discover 3rd party devices.


macrumors 604
Jan 26, 2014
Horsens, Denmark
I promised everyone in the MacRumors forums that I will burn all of my Apple devices if they went back to skeuomorphism. I hate it. I hate it. I Hate It. I HATE IT!

I read that promise, and whilst I doubt it'll happen, I will hold you to it if it does... Make a video of it or something.
I'm fine with either myself, I like both design styles


macrumors 6502
Mar 22, 2010
Since installing Yosemite I've had no Wi-Fi at all and just have a "Wi-Fi: no hardware installed." message. I even bought a USB Wi-Fi dongle to no avail.

Do you think this will fix the problem?

Disclaimer: I know nothing about computers, I tried resetting SMC but this did nothing, beyond this I'm lost...


macrumors 6502a
Sep 20, 2013
London, UK
Apologies if I missed something, but why did they change to discoveryd? AFAIK mDNSResponder and discoveryd both did the same thing?


macrumors member
Aug 15, 2013
Does this fix the crappy battery life that hit a lot of people after updating to Yosemite? I went from 8 hours to 4 or 5 at best after the update. The article briefly mentions battery, but seems to focus more on network issues (of which I have no issues there)


macrumors 68040
Jul 10, 2012
I sure hope they fix the wireless problems in iOS that causes my iphone6 to drop the signal from my time capsule in favor of my carrier's cellular wireless signal every.****ing.time I make a FaceTime call.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 11, 2011
OMG. My Magic mouse lag has finally gone when I'm using WiFi and have my power cable connected. I have been suffering with this for months!!!

Whole OS seems a lot smoother actually.

Now if I can only figure out what's causing the 20 second long gray screen before the Apple logo appears on startup I'll be satisfied.


macrumors 601
Jul 19, 2002
OMG. My Magic mouse lag has finally gone when I'm using WiFi and have my power cable connected. I have been suffering with this for months!!!

Whole OS seems a lot smoother actually.

Now if I can only figure out what's causing the 20 second long gray screen before the Apple logo appears on startup I'll be satisfied.

Double check that you have the startup disk selected. When troubleshooting other issues they always suggest you reset SMC etc. that often also reset those defaults. So no disk is set as your Startup Disk default.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2012
OMG. My Magic mouse lag has finally gone when I'm using WiFi and have my power cable connected. I have been suffering with this for months!!!

Whole OS seems a lot smoother actually.

Now if I can only figure out what's causing the 20 second long gray screen before the Apple logo appears on startup I'll be satisfied.

try a PRAM reset for the sluggish boot


macrumors 6502
Nov 27, 2011
The coder who authored discoveryd has left Apple and is now using his talents on the writing team at Penny Dreadful.


I wish they'd go back to it. The current designs are ugly and unpolished. It works on iOS 7/8 but not on a desktop GUI. I have a Mountain Lion and Yosemite machine side by side at work and the big cat looks so much better.

But each to their own...

Well... yes and no... this new look that seems to be inspired by a Kellog's cereal box is disappointing but the old design was unacceptably obsolete.


Staff member
Dec 7, 2002
New Zealand
Hopefully this will stop my machine from randomly dropping its wired connection (I lose connectivity, Network Preferences shows Ethernet as "not connected", then 10-15 seconds later it comes back). That only happens about once per week so I haven't really been able to troubleshoot it!


macrumors regular
Aug 24, 2003
Thank god! or whoever initiated this rollback! Things are working MUCH better in this release with networking, much faster and more reliable connections.


macrumors 601
May 28, 2008
I just wonder what the common denominator is. 2011 17" MB Pro with Yosemite and even with the developer previews and I never once had the issue. I have a 4th gen Airport Base Station and at work we use a more recent Base Station. At my parents they have an Xfinity wireless router, but I rarely use it there. Not one Wi-Fi issue.

I did have that issue with duplicate network names however. I am also curious if they just renamed it mDNSresponder as a placebo. Hmmm....
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