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macrumors 603
Feb 22, 2009
Every year people on Macrumors expect these massive iPhone upgrades, and Apple has come up with incremental upgrades. The last iPhone design lasted three generations before being redesigned and the redesign wasn't even that dramatic.

I'm calling it now. The design will be very similar to the iPhone 4. There will be a faster processor perhaps dual-core, higher quality camera, more RAM and hardware tweaks that will help with battery life. We will not see LTE this time around. It will be available on Sprint and perhaps T-Mobile.

If Apple were changing their screen size they would need to let developers know so they can work on their apps. Less than a month of lead time is not enough. Oh, as far as I know there is nothing in the SDK that would allow an app to adjust based on varying screen sizes.

I'm sad to say.
And I think the delay was due to iCloud and possibly even iOS5.
But I'll buy one anyway. :)


macrumors member
Jul 28, 2010
I seriously don't even care if it's fully redesigned or not. Just give it the A5 and such, and I'm happy. My E71 is feeling really old at this point. I know I want my next phone to be an iPhone, but I'm definitely waiting until the new one is released. Quick!


macrumors Pentium
Jan 28, 2009
Quebec, Canada
It was was to a degree. iPhone 2G to 3G brought GPS, 3G Data (HUGE factor), case change. 3G S brought processor, RAM, camera, and compass.

The 3G S had a video camera compared to stills only on the 3G. It also had voice control, lacking on the 3G

Then you mischaracterize the 3GS to 4 bump. The processor didn't in fact change. The 3GS used a Cortex A8 based SoC with a PVR SGX535MP GPU and guess what ? That's basically what the iPhone 4's A4 processor is. The difference is only the packaging.

Now, let's push this farther. Every iPhone got 3 generations of iOS. Except the iPhone 3G didn't manage to run iOS 4, it got a feature reduced version. However, the 3GS is getting a full implementation of iOS 5, getting the full 3 generations of iOS.

If that doesn't scream that the iPhone 3G was a lackluster upgrade compared to the 3GS, I don't know what does.

So an iPhone 5 with the iPhone 4's case can still be a very big upgrade. Previous upgrades that didn't change the case have shown this to us and frankly, it's just common sense : The case does not a big upgrade make, unless the only thing you value is how your device looks rather than how it functions.


macrumors member
May 9, 2011
iphone 5

So they have thousands of engineers working all year on these things and they are going to put out a new phone with no major changes? Come on.


macrumors member
Sep 12, 2011
No, please stop saying this. We are not all drooling over android screen sizes or designs. Plenty of people here at MacRumors and other Apple sites have made it very clear that we do not want a larger screen. Stop acting like you speak for the majority because you most certainly do not. Even if we were to assume that 50% of all iPhone users wanted a larger screen, there is still the other 50% who do not.

lol your funny, we can all say the same thing "that so and so says they want a 3.5" that person doesnt speak for all. Personally I would like a larger screen, I currently have an EVo 4G for a year and a half now, and my friend at work has the iphone 4, and whenever i look at that iphone 4 screen i shake my head because all I can think is "damn that screen is way to small". Trust me you dont know what your missing with a bigger screen, its like when your a gamer and upgrade from your whack 32inch to a 42 or more, you'll see the difference and most likely wont go back. I dont see why the old heads are crying about not wanting a slightly bigger screen. If it does have a bigger screen just stick with the iphone 4 and leave the others alone.


macrumors regular
Aug 31, 2011
Peoria, AZ
Some of you guys really crack me. A case does not a big upgrade make. In fact quite the opposite. A case is superficial at best. A rose by any other name...

BINGO!! You can possibly out the same IP4 Hardware on a Tapered case and call it quits!! That would probably make the troops around here very happy!!

All this discontent comes from the Leaked new tapered cases. If nobody had see those cases, they would have been thrilled with the concept of keeping the current case. I like the current case. Bigger Screen?? WHY?? It's a Phone. For a Bigger Screen, I use the IPad.


macrumors Pentium
Jan 28, 2009
Quebec, Canada
I'm guessing the next iPhone will be LTE-enabled. It's the only reason I can see for the longer wait.

Seriously, I'm betting we see an A5 SoC, a bit more RAM, maybe a storage bump and some other new sensor goody with a better camera (the rumored Sony camera from the Xperia Arc, 8 MP and better low-light performance and overall better optics) all in the iPhone 4's case and it will be called either iPhone 5 or Apple will move to a no suffix naming scheme and just call it iPhone (same as a MacBook Air is a MacBook Air, not a MacBook Air 1, MacBook Air 3G, MacBook Air 4).

The reason for the longer wait I see is so that they can merge the iOS 5 release for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad into 1 single release. Last year, the iPad was stuck on iOS 3.2 for a couple of months while iPhone users were running 4. Apple did not want to repeat this and did not want to release a new phone in June on iOS 4.

All this discontent comes from the Leaked new tapered cases. If nobody had see those cases, they would have been thrilled with the concept of keeping the current case. I like the current case. Bigger Screen?? WHY?? It's a Phone. For a Bigger Screen, I use the IPad.

A bigger screen can be fit in the iPhone 4's case by simply reducing the bezel. Remember, if Apple goes higher than 3.8 inches, they lose the "Retina" effect at 12" distance.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 10, 2011
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_5 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8L1 Safari/6533.18.5)

This is depressing to read.

I'm really hoping this is false and we are getting a slightly larger screen (anything up to 4in as my current EVO screen is pretty much too big) and a non-glass back.


macrumors regular
Feb 10, 2009
I don't believe this 'analyst'. The N94 has a 5 megapixel camera. However the iphone 5 has a 8 megapixel camera. Either that or the iOS SDK is wrong.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 25, 2006
San Francisco Bay Area
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_5 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8L1 Safari/6533.18.5)

Not trying to be rude, but you should probably be more careful with your phone. Cracked screen, and you left it out, presumably on a table exposed to drinks?

Or did the lady spill her drink into your pockets? :p not trying to be a jerk, just seems like a lot of terrible stuff has happened to your phone!


macrumors 6502a
In a new report, analyst Ming-Chi Kuo reports that Apple is scheduled to send the golden master version of iOS 5 to its iPhone and iPod touch assembling partners during the timeframe of September 23rd through 30th, suggesting a launch for the new hardware around mid-October once the assemblers have had time to install the software on already-produced hardware and ship it out.
And breathe! :rolleyes:


macrumors member
Aug 17, 2007
This release needs a larger screen. 4" should be a perfect size. The 4.3" on the andriod devices are on the edge of being too big. But the iPhone needs a larger screen.

I would love to see the gesture home button but it isn't a must have like the screen.


macrumors member
Sep 12, 2011
i have been thinking this all along as i have not noticed a single shred of evidence pointing to a larger phone. except for an icon and some cases. i wll not be buying the next gen phone if all it has are better specs. ios5 is running just fine on my i4 and my eyes tell me every day that they would love a larger screen

however.... if the rumors are true that the next gen iphone will have speech to text built in.... that is all i need to justify the purchase. so tired of pecking keys while driving. :(


macrumors regular
Oct 5, 2007
Hamilton, Ontario
It's really starting to seem like we won't getting a big upgrade, which leaves me confused as to why they would wait so long to introduce it.

Quite honestly, it may just be that going forward they wanted to reposition their yearly iPhone launch from June to September- which was either going to mean 2 iPhone launches in one year, or an extra long gap between 2. And with the relatively old iPhone4 selling well even now, it looks like they made the right decision.

It makes much more sense to have WWDC to be a software focused event, and with overall iPod sales in decline, moving the iPhone to it's launch space allows them to keep their large product releases more evenly separated.


macrumors member
Jul 28, 2010
No, please stop saying this. We are not all drooling over android screen sizes or designs. Plenty of people here at MacRumors and other Apple sites have made it very clear that we do not want a larger screen. Stop acting like you speak for the majority because you most certainly do not. Even if we were to assume that 50% of all iPhone users wanted a larger screen, there is still the other 50% who do not.

To further your point, I know some die-hard Android users that are looking to switch to an iPhone after seeing the iOS 5 keynote. I know one who did immediately after seeing it.

I definitely don't want something with a >4" screen. The Galaxy SII looks like an awesome phone, but I don't want to carry something that big around with me. The iPhone 4's size is a huge asset, I think. I wouldn't mind a slightly bigger screen... I think that's doable without increasing the phone's dimensions. But, I think the iPhone 4's dimensions are pretty much perfect.


macrumors 68040
Dec 14, 2006
somewhere else
This release needs a larger screen. 4" should be a perfect size. The 4.3" on the andriod devices are on the edge of being too big. But the iPhone needs a larger screen.

Steve's aesthetic is small, simple, elegant and thin. Apple has had several opportunities to increase the screen size before and they have never done so. Also, it is likely that Apple has pretty much every size screen somewhere in a lab in Cupertino and that Steve walks by those larger smartphone screens, totally unimpressed.

Let's face it. Steve is not going to let the iPhone pork out. If anything the iPhone might get slightly slimmer. Steve is quite content to let some fattie smartphone wear some other company's logo.

But no fatties at Apple, thank you very much.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 29, 2009
Bigger Screen?? WHY?? It's a Phone. For a Bigger Screen, I use the IPad.

I dont have my iPad with me all the time, but I do have my iPhone. My use is 60% PC, 30% iPhone and 10% iPad. I use the iPhone heaps when away from home, but rarely take the iPad unless it's a planned trip.

For me the larger screen means a lot, but I dont want a hugely bigger device eithor, so using more of the front area of the phone, even at a slightly changed aspect ratio, would be a big thing for me.

If the original post turns out to be true I will not bother with the upgrade, so Apple wont be getting $1000 from me this time around :confused:


macrumors member
Sep 12, 2011

Steve's aesthetic is small, simple, elegant and thin. Apple has had several opportunities to increase the screen size before and they have never done so. Also, it is likely that Apple has pretty much every size screen somewhere in a lab in Cupertino and that Steve walks by those larger smartphone screens, totally unimpressed.

Let's face it. Steve is not going to let the iPhone pork out. If anything the iPhone might get slightly slimmer. Steve is quite content to let some fattie smartphone wear some other company's logo.

But no fatties at Apple, thank you very much.

that time around that the iphone could have gotten a larger screen, android handsets werent really much an issue, so now that the market is flooding with androids left and right and promoting their larger brighter cinematic screens, I think its a good move on apples part to up the screen size a bit, like ive said before 3.8-4" wont be to much of a deal. And knowing apple they can create a larger screen and still keep the phone thin, because thats what they do, they innovate.


macrumors 68000
Oct 29, 2006
Sheffield, England
Yeah, just like no one bought the 3GS, instead buying the iPhone 3G that was 99$ on contract. :rolleyes:

Come on guys. The phone's casing doesn't make the phone.

But you have to admit that in part, the phone market is fashion. (And not just technical specifications). And the most visible way of showing a new purchase is an all-new case design. Apple understands this.

I'd buy the idea of a speed-bump-only after a 12month cycle. But 16 months is a bit too long.



Mar 26, 2008
get rid of the useless menu button, make the screen 4 and let us use gestures while remaining the size of the phone. i havent used the menu button in like forever on my iPad 2 since ive got gestures enabled


macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2002

Steve's aesthetic is small, simple, elegant and thin. Apple has had several opportunities to increase the screen size before and they have never done so. Also, it is likely that Apple has pretty much every size screen somewhere in a lab in Cupertino and that Steve walks by those larger smartphone screens, totally unimpressed.

Let's face it. Steve is not going to let the iPhone pork out. If anything the iPhone might get slightly slimmer. Steve is quite content to let some fattie smartphone wear some other company's logo.

But no fatties at Apple, thank you very much.

Except the Galaxy S II is as thin or even thinner than the iPhone 4 (don't know the exact measures, but it is very thin). Hence, I don't really know what you're talking about.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2010
So the waiting of 15-16 months is just for a minor upgrade like 3G to 3GS was ?
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