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macrumors 6502a
Aug 30, 2006
The fanbois will applaud Apple's childish spite and the more rational members will condemn Apple's childish spite. This post, for example, will get at least 10 thumbs down.

Rational members use logic and fact to make their decision, not jump to conclusion because of a sensationalist article that was meant to click-bait users for money. We can all agree labor practices in China are abysmal and that's the one thing the NYT article got right. Apple can't fix it alone. That's the Chinese governments job. What Apple can do is practice what they preach. Apple has been doing that these past few years by putting out precautions to prevent suicides, dangerous environments, and low salaries. Articles like the NYT throw those facts away and don't really deserve to get early access to Apple products. Of course, this is moot since the D. Pogue said he's had access for a week. If Apple didn't give him early access, I wouldn't blame them.

Summary in image form:

PS. You'll get 10 thumbs down not because of your view, but for the fact that you used "fanbois".


macrumors 6502a
Dec 14, 2007
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

dagamer34 said:
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/9A405)

More importantly, do you only get special access if you print only positive stories? Sounds like pure advertising to me at that point.

Apple is for profit; advanced access to apple unanounced products is a privilege, not a right.


macrumors 68000
Apr 7, 2003
I don't think most posters on here want negative Apple news censored. Apple makes mistakes all the time that MacRumors and other sites talk about. Just look at the latest iMessage bug, did anyone ask to stop/censor that article? No. The problem with the NYT article is that they blamed Apple, and only Apple, for using Foxconn. They didn't blame ASRock, Amazon, HP, Dell, Sony, Sharp, Samsung, Panasonic, Philips, Asus, Acer, etc. Just like Gizmodo, the NYT doesn't deserve early access to Apple products for review. Of course, this is all moot since D. Pogue just tweeted he's had access to Mountain Lion for a week.

It's always the biggest player that gets grilled, not the smallest. Does anyone care if Asus (whoever they are :D) is using Foxconn? No. They might if it were Amazon or Google or Microsoft. Size matters in issues like these.

I'm truly astounded at the bile being spewed about the NYT. I wonder what those posters read instead? Perhaps some horribly biased Murdoch rag?

Mark Booth

macrumors 68000
Jan 16, 2008
MacRumors should be ashamed for not fully vetting this article before publishing it. Please stop trying to be Gawker Media!



macrumors 65816
Sep 4, 2010
Anyone who takes the NYT's as anything more than a tabloid newspaper and socialist propaganda machine is only fooling themselves.

So now that it appears that Apple didn't "shun" NYT, does that mean that Apple supports those darn commie socialists?


macrumors newbie
Feb 4, 2012
Another black eye for the NY Times

Their heavily slanted and factually inaccurate articles on Apple and Foxconn will rank right up there with their swallowing of George W. Bush's lies about Iraq's WMDs. The NY Times isn't nearly as delusional as, say, Fox News, but they have shown that their reports must also be vetted for accuracy.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2007
For those of us lucky enough to live in countries that have a free press, we should be thankful that we have various news sources to read. Some sources do a better job than others, and if you feel that the reporting is biased, look for another source. If your complaint about the NY Times is that it has an "agenda," as others have said, every sentient being has an agenda -- whether conscious or otherwise. The goal is to be as objective as possible.

The NY Times has bureaus around the world with some of the finest reporters on its staff. One of them died yesterday reporting from Syria. It's won more Pulitzer prizes than any other newspaper. If it weren't for the hard work of its reporters, news aggregators that sop up stories for republication would have very little that's meaningful to "report."

Foxconn just announced a pay raise for its workers. I bet at least one reason it did so was due to stories like that published in the Times.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 30, 2006
It's always the biggest player that gets grilled, not the smallest. Does anyone care if Asus (whoever they are :D) is using Foxconn? No. They might if it were Amazon or Google or Microsoft. Size matters in issues like these.

I'm truly astounded at the bile being spewed about the NYT. I wonder what those posters read instead? Perhaps some horribly biased Murdoch rag?

Hey, no one but hobby PC builders care about ASRock, Gigabyte, and etc. But Amazon and Microsoft have their Kindles and Xboxes manufactured there too. I understand writers not caring about writing about Asus, but c'mon! This is Microsoft and Amazon! Samsung and HTC have some work sourced there too so Google should be in this too. They work with Samsung to get their flagship Galaxy Nexus phone made. If I remember correctly, they only make their phone components. What about Intel and IBM? Those not big enough either?

I enjoy reading the NYT especially their Health section, but what I'm appalled at is the level of fact checking and evidence that particular NYT article had. Once it spread through the internet, people took it as fact and those Apple "haters" took it and added even more to make Apple look like the devil. See


Feb 17, 2009
MacRumors should be ashamed for not fully vetting this article before publishing it. Please stop trying to be Gawker Media!


Does anybody really care what is being reported about Apple, besides stock holders?

Good products that work , all I need!


macrumors 6502a
Oct 10, 2008
Someone still reads the NYT?

No worry. It won't be around much longer by the graph of sales and readership.

children usually do not - basically most of the new members of the Apple community these days.

it is just part of the dumbing down of Apple.


macrumors 68000
Jan 5, 2010
Almost Rock Solid
The Verge

It's not just old-schoolers like the NYT. Joshua "The Jimmy Fallon of Tech Bloggers" Topolsky and his Verge crew got passed over as well. No cozy little keynote-for-one like Gruber got.

I dunno. Could it be that Topolsky is so afraid of looking like an Apple fanboy that he simply can't and won't give Mountain Lion an objective review? He's all about maximizing his viewership now, and people might tune out if they detect even a whiff of pro-Apple bias. (Mainly the ideologically challenged freetards and Microsoft / Google apologists, but there are more of them than you'd think. Just sayin'.)

Or is it the off chance that Topolsky might blurt out an off-hand snark-bite about OS X, like his infamous "Windows is poison to me" zinger? That the entire tech blogosphere would then click bait ad nauseam? Yeah. Who needs that?

Then again, maybe it's because The Verge is about Topolsky, really. It's his site, and his show, and he happens to be heavy into tech blogging. It's look-how-cool-I-am-(for-a-geek). Oh, and here are some gadgets that I can get all hip and trendy about. Maybe that's it.


macrumors regular
May 27, 2009
It's not just old-schoolers like the NYT. Joshua "The Jimmy Fallon of Tech Bloggers" Topolsky and his Verge crew got passed over as well. No cozy little keynote-for-one like Gruber got.

I dunno. Could it be that Topolsky is so afraid of looking like an Apple fanboy that he simply can't and won't give Mountain Lion an objective review? He's all about maximizing his viewership now, and people might tune out if they detect even a whiff of pro-Apple bias. (Mainly the ideologically challenged freetards and Microsoft / Google apologists, but there are more of them than you'd think. Just sayin'.)

Or is it the off chance that Topolsky might blurt out an off-hand snark-bite about OS X, like his infamous "Windows is poison to me" zinger? That the entire tech blogosphere would then click bait ad nauseam? Yeah. Who needs that?

Then again, maybe it's because The Verge is about Topolsky, really. It's his site, and his show, and he happens to be heavy into tech blogging. It's look-how-cool-I-am-(for-a-geek). Oh, and here are some gadgets that I can get all hip and trendy about. Maybe that's it.

Wait the Verge was skipped? Nilay mentioned on their newest podcast that he did get a demo and had been working on the article for a week. I think you're mistaken here.


macrumors regular
Sep 3, 2007
Why is this article still up? The Update points out that it is entirely fabricated and not true. Apple did NOT shun the New York Times. Since you point this out at the bottom of the article, why not take down that article or at least change it to something less knowingly false and inflammatory.


macrumors 68000
Jan 29, 2003
Mineola TX
EDIT -- I stand corrected. Gruber talked with Pogue beforehand and said he definitely had the next one-on-one right after Gruber.
Last edited:

Lesser Evets

macrumors 68040
Jan 7, 2006
Are you kidding? The NYT is one of the finest English language papers in the world. Any suggestion they won't be around for much longer is nothing short of ludicrous.

Been reading the NEWS much?

The paper lops off 10% profit every quarter or two. The readership is under 1,000,000 daily in a city of 20,000,000 and a nation of 330,000,000 where that paper was once and might still be distributed.

All you need do is read it to understand how biased and many times inaccurate it is. Thus why the circulation has fallen off the face of the earth. More people watch Nickelodeon in the depths of night than read the NYT. Better news elsewhere... more reporting and less journalism is found in better publications.

Farewell, NYT.


macrumors 68000
Jan 18, 2011
Pogue and Gruber got advanced copies so they could start the propagandizing and set the climate before public opinion could start speaking poorly of mountain lion.


macrumors 65816
Jan 13, 2006
Chester, NJ
I loved them more as the underdog, the alternative, the rebels. Now, as the biggest company in the world, they're starting to exhibits some of the bad traits of monster corporations.

Think back to the 1984 commercial. Like most revolutionaries, Steve wasn't looking to eliminate oppression. He was looking to change who was doing the oppressing.

He wore the same outfit every day to present himself as an icon, as an Apple "uniform".


macrumors member
Aug 29, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Pogue did attend event

I'm not sure if it's been mentioned already in the thread, but David Pogue did attend the briefing. I was just listening to an episode of The Talk Show (with John Gruber of Daring Fireball fame), and he mentioned that Pogue was going in for a one-on-one briefing immediately following his.


macrumors 65816
Jan 31, 2010
Midlife, Midwest
Been reading the NEWS much?

The paper lops off 10% profit every quarter or two. The readership is under 1,000,000 daily in a city of 20,000,000 and a nation of 330,000,000 where that paper was once and might still be distributed..

The NY Times paid daily circulation (subscription and newsstand) is approx. 1.2 million (1.6 million on Sunday.) That doesn't include the more than 380,000 digital subscriptions. Nor does it count the roughly 35 million monthly unique (ie. non-paying) visitors it gets to its website - and thats after the Times instituted the digital paywall that limits online free readership to a very limited number of articles.

There is little doubt that the Times faces some financial issues. However, these are related more to the precipitous drop-off in classified advertising that has taken place over the past decade and a half - rather than any decline in interest. The Times is one of the most-read news sources in the world, and is still considered America's "paper of record."

I'd suggest those people disparaging the NY Times whether they think that an important story like the one on Apple's Foxconn workers would be produced by, for example, Fox News?

The fact of the matter is that a story like that on the working conditions in Shenzhen could only be done by a print newspaper dedicated to high-quality investigative journalism.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 25, 2006
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

Pfff Pogue is the ex editor of Mac Addict... sure he is NY times and has been for at least a decade, but that's where he got the inside apple info that launched him into something.

Drunken Master

macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2011
Been reading the NEWS much?

The paper lops off 10% profit every quarter or two. The readership is under 1,000,000 daily in a city of 20,000,000 and a nation of 330,000,000 where that paper was once and might still be distributed.

All you need do is read it to understand how biased and many times inaccurate it is. Thus why the circulation has fallen off the face of the earth. More people watch Nickelodeon in the depths of night than read the NYT. Better news elsewhere... more reporting and less journalism is found in better publications.

Farewell, NYT.

Are you a professional journalist?

I am, and I can tell you that your stats on the print product's readership have little to do with the Times' quality. Pretty asinine argument if you ask me. A person on this site, of all people in the world, should know that everybody reads their news now on a computer, phone or tablet.

Your second paragraph sounds like it's coming from someone who's out of their element in this discussion.
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